Page 323 - taiwan
P. 323

Indonesia sebagaimana dalam pasal 69 dipidana dengan pidana penjara
                              paling  lama  10  tahun  (sepuluh)  tahun  dan  denda  paling  banyak  Rp
                    ,00 (lima belas miliar rupiah).

                              English version :
                              Legal Basis
                              allegedly  violating  Article  81  of  the  law  of  the  Republic  of  Indonesia
                              number  18  of  2017  concerning  the  protection  of  Indonesian  Migrant
                              Workers,  which  reads  “individuals  who  carry  out  the  placement  of
                              Indonesian migrant workers as stated in Article 69 shall be punished with
                              a maximum imprisonment of 10 years (ten) years and a maximum fine
                              of Rp 15,000,000,000.00 (fifteen billion rupiah).

                           ●  PT.  Setya  Jaya  Samudera  diduga  melanggar  Pasal  4  Undang-Undang
                              Republik Indonesia Nomor 21 Tahun 2007 Tentang Pemberantasan Tindak
                              Pidana Perdagangan Orang, yang berbunyi “Setiap orang yang membawa
                              warga negara Indonesia ke luar wilayah negara Republik Indonesia dengan
                              maksud  untuk  dieksploitasi  di  luar  wilayah  negara  Republik  Indonesia
                              dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling singkat 3 (tiga) tahun dan paling
                              lama  15  (lima  belas)  tahun  dan  pidana  denda  paling  sedikit  Rp
                              120.000.000,00  (seratus  dua  puluh  juta  rupiah)  dan  paling  banyak  Rp
                              600.000.000,00 (enam ratus juta rupiah).

                              English version :
                              PT. Setya Jaya Samudera is suspected of violating Article 4 of the law of
                              the Republic of Indonesia number 21 of 2007 concerning the eradication
                              of  trafficking  in  Persons,  which  reads  “Any  person  who  brings  an
                              Indonesian citizen outside the territory of the Republic of Indonesia with
                              the intention of being exploited outside the territory of the Republic of
                              Indonesia shall be punished with a prison sentence of at least 3 (three)
                              years  and  a  maximum of 15  (fifteen) years  and  a  fine  of at  least Rp
                              120,000,000.00 (One hundred and twenty million rupiah) and at most Rp
                              600,000,000,00 (Six Hundred Million Rupiah).

        5. Tuntutan (claims)   1.  Andi  menuntut  supaya  PT.  SETYA  JAYA  SAMUDERA  mengembalikan
                             dokumen milik Andi, Dokumen tersebut antara lain ialah Dokuemen Akta
                             Kelahiran, BST dan Ijazah SMP semua dokumen tersebut asli.

                             English version :
                             Andi demanded that PT SETYA JAYA SAMUDERA return the documents
                             belonging to Andi, these documents included the Birth Certificate, BST and
                             Junior High School Diploma, all of which were original.   Commented [11]: does that mean PT SETYA JAYA
                                                                                       SAMUDERA retain Andi's document in the beginning
                                                                                       while Andi applied the job on board?

                                                                                       Commented [12R11]: Yes, the MA retain Andi's
                    Pengadu                              Pencatat                      documents

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