Page 319 - taiwan
P. 319

diterbangkan ke Negara Mauritius Afrika Selatan.

                             English Version :
                             On March 7, 2023, Andi signed a sea work Agreement (PKL) at PT SJS,
                             which was witnessed by Iwan (deputy director of PT. SJS) and Wildan (staff
                             of  PT.  SJS),  after  finishing  signing  PKL  Andi  directly  departed  from
                             Pemalang to Soekarno-hatta International Airport using a travel car then
                             Andi  got  off  at  terminal  3,  then  Andi  was  flown  from  Soekarno-Hatta
                             International Airport Transit to King Abdulaziz International Airport Saudi
                             Arabia, after which Andi was flown to Mauritius South Africa.

        2. Masa Penempatan   1. Setibanya di Bandar Udara Internasional Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam pada
                            tanggal  8  Maret  2023,  kemudian  Andi  dijemput  oleh  pihak  Agency  dan
                            langsung dibawa ke Dermaga Port Louis Mauritius, setibanya di Dermaga
                            Andi langsung diperintahkan untuk naik ke Tug Boat untuk menuju ke kapal
                            Chaan Ying yang jangkaran di Pelabuhan Mauritius.

                             English Version :
                             Upon  arrival  at  Sir  Seewoosagur  Ramgoolam  International  Airport  on
                             March 8, 2023, Andi was picked up by the Agency and immediately taken
                             to  the  Port  Louis  Mauritius  Pier,  upon  arrival  at  the  pier  Andi  was
                             immediately ordered to board a Tug Boat to go to the Chaan Ying ship
                             which anchors at the Port of Mauritius.

                          2. Kurang lebih 15 menit perjalan Andi tiba di kapal Chaan Ying sekitar pukul
                            20.00 malam waktu setempat, kemudian Andi naik ke kapal tersebut dan
                            disambut oleh Krew kapal, Andi juga disambut oleh Mandor kapal kemudian
                            Andi dipersilahkan untuk istirahat oleh Mandor Kapal.

                             English version :
                             Approximately  15  minutes  walk  Andi  arrived  at  the  ship  Chaan  Ying
                             around 20.00 pm local time, then Andi boarded the ship and was greeted
                             by the crew, Andi was also greeted by the ship's Foreman then Andi was
                             welcome to rest by the ship's Foreman.

                          3. Pada tanggal 12 Maret 2023, Kapal Chaan Ying mulai melakukan perjalan ke
                            tempat operasi penangkapan ikan, menurut keterangan Andi setelah kapal
                            tiba  di  Perairan  Somalia,  Mandor kapal memerintahkan  semua  kru  untuk
                            menurunkan pancing.

                             English version :
                             On March 12, 2023, the Chaan Ying ship began its journey to the place of
                             fishing  operations,  according  to  Andi  after  the  ship  arrived  in  Somali
                             waters, the ship's Foreman ordered all the crew to lower the fishing rods.   Commented [3]: If the fishing vessel was not
                                                                                       authorized to fish in Somali water, then it's IUU activity.
                                                                                       but from its AIS data, the vessel didn't enter Somali
                                                                                       water, will need to verify with migrant fisher again.
                          4. Jenis ikan yang ditangkap oleh kapal Chaan Ying ialah ikan Tuna, Marlin, MK,
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