Page 449 - taiwan
P. 449

sementara saya menandatangani hitungannya pagi hari jam 9 pagi.
                                        Sehingga saya dalam kondisi terdesak.

                                              My salary from October-December was deducted from debt, so I
                                              did not receive it. Then I didn't get my January salary that I was
                                              supposed to get. Then after doing the calculations I should have
                                              received 1090 USD, but in the calculation notes I received, the 1090
                                              USD was deducted from the cost of the return ticket. Regarding
                                              this count, I questioned the captain of the ship when it was docked,
                                              then the captain said that he would contact the Taiwanese agency
                                              later, but he didn't pick up, I asked the captain again, but the
                                              captain only said that it depended on the agency. After that, I
                                              signed because my return ticket was bought that afternoon, while I
                                              signed the calculation in the morning at 9 am. So I was in a state of

            4. Resume Kasus

            5. Tuntutan                        1. Tuntutan saya agar hak saya 1090 USD dibayarkan dan tidak
                                                  dipotong biaya tiket pesawat yang seharusnya menjadi tanggung
                                                  jawab Perusahaan.
                                              My demand is that my right of 1090 USD be paid and not deduct the cost of the
                                              plane ticket which should be the Company's responsibility.

                                              2. Bila Perusahaan tidak mau memenuhi hak saya, saya akan
                                                  menempuh      langkah    hukum     lainnya  untuk    menuntut
                                                  pemenuhan hak saya.
                                              If the Company does not want to fulfill my rights, I will take other legal steps to
                                              demand that my rights be fulfilled.

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