Page 503 - taiwan
P. 503

for 1 week, the costs were covered by the PT and would be returned with a
                                        salary deduction system, after completing the BST training Ilham returned
                                        to his house in Blora.
                                    5. After one year, Ilham was contacted by Agus, then Agus offered Irham a
                                        job in Mauritius, then Ilham immediately accepted the job and came to the
                                        PT PB office.
                                    6. Then Ilham was taken by PT staff. PB went to the Tegal area clinic for a

                                        Medical Check Up, the costs were covered by PT. PB
                                    7. Then Ilham was accommodated in the PT mess. while waiting for
                                        departure, one week later Ilham was ordered by PT. to gather in the room,
                                        to sign the Maritime Work contract, during the contract was given by Mr.
                                        Agus to read and understand the contents of the PKL, according to Ilham's
                                        statement the time for signing the contract was only 20 minutes.
                                    8. After signing the working contract, Ilham was taken by Travel from Tegal to
                                        Jakarta, then Ilham was accommodated in a mess not far from
                                        Soekarno-Hatta airport, then the next day Ilham went to the hospital for
                                        PCR, the costs were covered by PT. PB (Manning Agency).

                                    9. After 3-4 days of staying at the mess, on July 24 2021, mas was
                                        accompanied by a man to the Soekarno-Hatta airport, after Ilham arrived
                                        at the airport, mas was awaited by a man named Wahyu, then Wahyu took
                                        care of the departure at the airport. From Soekarno Hatta airport, transit
                                        at Abu Dhabi Airport in Dubai, after that the plane goes straight to

           2. Placement Period
                                    10. When arriving at Maurice, Ilham was immediately picked up by the agency,
                                        then went straight to the Veranda hotel in Maurice. Ilham was quarantined
                                        in a hotel for two weeks, and could not go out and only stayed in his room.
                                        Daily needs are delivered directly to the room.
                                    11. After two weeks of quarantine, Ilham was picked up by the agency and
                                        headed to the dock, to the ship where he would work. After arriving at the
                                        dock, Ilham boarded a tug boat to the ship where he worked, the Seng Sifa
                                        96 ship. After arriving at the Seng Sifa 96 ship, Ilham was greeted by the

                                        captain and directed to rest first and then called back to sign the insurance
                                        letter in Mandarin, and Ilham didn't know what the letter actually

                                    12. About a week at Ilham pier just waiting for the ship to depart and not
                                        being given any money at all. After that, the ship began to sail and operate
                                        to the fishing location, taking approximately 2 weeks.
                                    13. After arriving at the operation site, Ilham was given tasks like crew
                                        members in general, namely reeling the yoka and catching fish. Types of

                                        tuna, marlin, neka, mackerel. If you accidentally catch a shark, sometimes
                                        you take the fins, sometimes throw them away.
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