Page 43 - Black Mountain Global Group - Presentation
P. 43


               Strategy # 2

               The capitalization for existing real estate / residences, primarily in the high-quality price segment.

               This strategy is used to further optimize the assets and profits of owned properties. The property is converted into a valuable asset in the form of

               a financial instrument by the group of companies.

               This financial instrument is then capitalized with the help of a Lombard loan or monetization in order to be able to use the capital resources tied

               up in the property and their increase in value for investments in further asset expansion and the associated profit maximization.

               Strategy # 3

               Participation  in  the  acquisition  of  existing  real  estate  /

               residences in predestined locations around the world in the

               high-quality price segment.

               The  group  of  companies  has  an  internationally  qualified

               network  in  which  investors  with  a  percentage  capital  share

               can join to form an investor association.

               By  participating  in  such  a  highly  qualified  network,  you

               acquire exclusive real estate / residences with a high level of

               capital and asset protection, secured profit and value growth

               rates  including  inflation  protection  and,  moreover,  tax


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