Page 10 - Product Catalogue 2021 A4 ENG
P. 10
“ DXN International Headquarter has its
own factory in Malaysia, which has been
conferred GMP Certificate by The National
Pharmaceutical Control Bureau, Ministry of
Health in Malaysia. It is fully equipped with
state-of-the-art equipment and laborato-
ry to provide quality control and modern
product development.
DXN International Headquarter has a team
of specialists, who strictly monitor the en-
tire development, cultivation, production
and packaging process to ensure product
quality is up to international standards.
..........................................................................Cultivation Process
DXN utilizes cultivation methods based on local Malaysian expertise.
DXN products do not contain any artificial elements nor preservatives,
coloring and flavoring. The cultivation process stresses the importance
of maintaining the natural and organic quality of Ganoderma products.
DXN International Headquarter was awarded the internationally recog-
nized ISO 9002 Certificate, which symbolizes our commitment in man-
aging a strictly controlled manufacturing system to produce exceptional
quality products. It has also been conferred with GMP certification by
the Ministry of Health, Malaysia as well as ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and TGA.