Page 9 - Product Catalogue 2021 A4 ENG
P. 9



           WHAT IS LING-          Lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum), also recognized as ‘Reishi mushroom’, known to provide

           ZHI (GANODER-          proven health benefits. Since ancient times Lingzhi was revered as nature’s most pow-
                                  erful and beneficial herb. In the past Lingzhi was one of the rarest herbs on earth and
           MA LUCIDUM)?           was reserved only for emperors and royalty. Today due to modern cultivation techniques
                                  and commercial production Lingzhi is made available to anyone who needs its health
                                  giving benefits.

           WHY DO WE              We are constantly in the “pre-illness state” because:
           NEED LINGZHI?          1. A major part of our diet is mainly composed of nutrient deficient frozen and processed
                                  food products compounded with chemical additives, preservatives, and emulsifiers.

                                  2. We are continually exposed to external stressors like environmental toxins and phys-
                                  ical and emotional strain. Many ailments are caused by the imbalance of physiological
                                  functions due to poor nutrition and accumulation of toxins in the body. Once an illness
                                  manifests recovery can be slow and difficult. Lingzhi not only can enhance the healthy,
                                  normal functions of the body but also can work to address physiological imbalances
                                  when present. No other herb can do this better than Lingzhi.

           WHY DXN                DXN Lingzhi is organically grown and produced under strictly-controlled, hygienic con-

           LINGZHI?               ditions and standards of ISO 9002, ISO 14001, GMP, TGA and Halal. There are absolutely
                                  no chemicals, pesticides, artificial colours, flavours or foreign substances used at any
                                  time in the growing cycle or during processing of DXN Lingzhi. DXN Farm uses Organic
                                  Cultivation Method with ALL-natural materials such as rice chaff and saw dust instead of
                                  traditional fertilizer, insecticide or hormone.

                                  This specialized cultivation method provides 200 kinds of primary and secondary ele-
                                  ments, such as enzyme, coenzyme, amino acid, vitamins, carbohydrate and trace ele-
                                  ments, to improve Ganoderma crop’s quality, quantity, growth and resistance to pest.
                                  DXN Farm also uses Tissue Culture Method, which can reproduce one million pieces of
                                  Ganoderma out from a single mother plant.

                                  From every mass crop growth, a tedious selection process is implemented to identify the
                                  best quality Ganoderma for DXN products. DXN Farm also utilizes Suspension Arrange-
                                  ment Method to ensure quality growth stages of our Ganoderma crop, avoid the invasion
                                  of unwanted materials into the Ganoderma. DXN Farm in considered the largest Lingzhi
                                  farm in the world. The organic farming methods incorporated by DXN prevents damage
                                  to the environment, thus becoming the first Lingzhi farm in Malaysia to receive the ISO
                                  14001 certification and Organic Farming Certificate.
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