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Stability study of anthocyanins from Clitoria ternatea extracted by colloidal gas aphrons (CGA)
                                                      during storage

                                 1 Tuan Nurul Maisarah Tuan Putra,  Nurmahani Mohd Maidin*

                   1 Faculty of Fisheries and Food Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus,
                                                  Terengganu, Malaysia.

               * Corresponding author:


               Butterfly pea flower (BP) known as Clitoria ternatea is a tropical flower and contains abundance of
               anthocyanins thus offers a potential as an edible blue colourant. However, anthocyanins responsible for
               the blue colour is the least stable and easily degraded due to food processing. Therefore, this research
               aimed to determine the stability of anthocyanin extracted by Colloidal Gas Aphrons (CGA) using a non-
               ionic  surfactant,  TWEEN20  (10mM)  at  volumetric  ratio  20,  during  storage.  Different  tests  were
               conducted to quantify the total phenolic content, total anthocyanin and antioxidant activity during 85
               days  storage.  Result  showed  that  polyphenols  positively  correlated  with  antioxidant  activity.
               Interestingly, the anthocyanins recovered by CGA (AV20) showed higher stability (half-life = 295d)
               than in ethanolic extract (half-life = 43d). The anthocyanins loss in the CGA sample (AV20) (18.75%)
               lower than ethanolic extract (74.57%). During the long-term storage, V20 (AV20 and LV20) showed a
               much  lower  overall  anthocyanins  loss  of  18.70%  and  26.30%,  respectively.  Both  samples  were
               statistically different with controlled samples (EE). However, the trend was not similar as shown in TPC
               whereas the highest losses of compounds were showed in AV20 (27.48%) and LV20 (30.16%). This is
               an interesting observation that warrants further explanation. Furthermore, a high positive correlation
               was observed between total monomeric anthocyanin and DPPH with r =0.875 which supported the
               potentially of C. ternatea as a good source of anthocyanins that contribute to the antioxidant activity.
               The results provide the evidence on the use of CGA at known concentration can be potent to enhance
               the stability of anthocyanins during storage.

               Keywords: Butterfly pea flower, Surfactant, Colloidal gas aphrons, Anthocyanin, Antioxidant Activity
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