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Assessment on quality and stability of oven dried gac fruit aril (Momordica cochinchinensis
                                      Spreng) powder and its application in ice cream

                                 1 Anua Nur Fadzira,  Tufail Ahmad Fauziah,  Yahya Faridah*

                   1 Faculty of Fisheries and Food Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus,
                                                   Terengganu, Malaysia.

               * Corresponding author:


               Gac  (Momordica  cochinchinesis  Spreng)  is  an  underutilized  fruit  with  substantial  amount  of
               carotenoid.  The  natural  intense  color  of  gac  is  mainly  contributed  by  carotenoid  which  make  it
               potential  as  natural  colorant.  However,  natural  carotenoid  is  unstable  and  easily  oxidized.  Hence,
               drying is required to preserve the bioactive compounds. Freeze drying has been reported as the best
               preservation  however,  small  and  medium-sized  of  enterprises  (SMEs)  of  food  may  not  afford  the
               expensive equipment. Oven drying is good potent for commercial practice but limited of information
               available  on  the  quality  of  oven-dried  gac  aril  powder.  Digestion  of  high  lipophilic  carotenoid
               incorporated in lipid-based matrices like ice cream may promotes high absorption by human body
               compared  to  other  food  applications.  The  objectives  of  this  study  are  to  investigate  the  effect  of
               various temperatures of oven drying on the physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity oven-
               dried  gac  aril  powder  and  to  determine  the  physicochemical  properties,  antioxidant  and  sensory
               acceptability of ice cream incorporated with oven dried aril gac powder during storage. The puree of
               fresh  gac  aril  will  be  oven-dried  at  temperatures  of  30,  40,  50  and  60°C  and  its  physicochemical
               properties of colour, total soluble solid, morphological structure, proximate composition as well as
               total phenolic compound, antioxidant activity and concentration of β-carotene will be determined in
               triplicate. Aril gac powder containing the highest antioxidant content will be incorporated in ice cream
               formulation  with  different  percentages  of  0%,  5%,  10%,  15%  and  20%.  The  physicochemical,
               antioxidant properties and sensory acceptability of treated ice cream during 60 days of storage with
               interval of 15 days will be carried out in triplicate. This research would lead to help the food industry
               to produce potential ingredient of aril gac powder which effectively preserve the natural antioxidant
               and act as natural food colorant prior to be applied in food products.

               Keywords:  Antioxidant  Activity,  β-carotene,  Ice-cream,  Lycopene,  Momordica  cochinchinensis

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