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P. 23

I can achieve everything
               I can achieve everything and anything                         My family
               I want                                            My family is my strength
               I can do everything and anything                  My family plays most important role in my
               I want
               I am wings for my own dreams
                                                                 Without them I won't survive
               I can achieve everything and anything I
                                                                 My family os my circle
                                                                 With no sides no loose  end
               A bird sits  on a tree fearlessly
               Because it has  confidence                         There is  nothing to pretend
               When the branch will break                        Cuz its just pure love
               It will flew away                                  My family is my permanent connection
               They say it's not possible                        Coz we are connected from heart
               The world says, you are not capable               All till the time.we. shall never part

               But either they are deaf or blind                 My family is my strength
               Because I have never asked what's in their
                                                                 My family plays most important role in my
               They say, you are weak
                                                                 Without them I won't survive
               I want to remind myself  and you
                                                                 My family os my circle
               You yes you
               Don't listen to them                              With no sides no loose  end
               If you have will you can do everything and        There is  nothing to pretend
               anything                                          Cuz its just pure love
               I  and you can achieve everything                 My family is my permanent connection
               Take fortune in your hand                         Coz we are connected from heart
               And show the world and to yourself                All till the time.we. shall never part

               What you are
               And what you can do
               I and you can do and will do.

                                            Class -   -

                                                                                Shreya Meena
                                                                                  Class - I - B

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