Page 71 - Midland
P. 71
Calendar of Events
JANUARY • Midland Arts Association Spring Show
• Improv at the Yucca @ Yucca Theater 432-683-2882
470-570-4111 This juried art exhibition, running from
Hosted by Midland Community Theatre, this March through April, showcases the works
laughter-filled annual show features talented of regional artists. Exhibits include paintings,
comedians performing adult improvisational photography, glass, sculpture, drawings,
comedy. ceramics and mixed media.
• Permian Basin Home & Garden Show • Annual Haley Library Art Show and Sale
432-520-7917 432-682-5785
Sponsored by the Permian Basin Home This annual fundraiser for the Haley Library
Builders Association, this two-day home and features fine contemporary art, bronzes and
garden show is one of the largest events of paintings from some of the most notable
its kind in the state. Featuring the region’s names in the art world.
top homebuilders, remodelers, landscaping • Midland Downtown Farmers Market
professionals and related industries all under 432-695-4114
one roof, the show includes seminars, door 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Saturdays, April – November
prizes and a silent auction. 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. June-August
501 West Texas Ave., under the green
MARCH Featuring local goods, including sustainably
• Scottish-Irish Faire • 432-362-6620 grown produce, honey, meats, baked treats,
Held the second weekend in March, this pickled and canned products, fair-trade
annual festival is the largest Irish/Scottish, organic coffee, handmade jewelry, body care
Welsh/Celtic music and cultural event in the products, and more, this farmers market
Permian Basin. Featuring vendors selling brings the community together on Saturdays
Irish linen, jewelry, musical instruments, in downtown Midland.
family crests, Celtic figurines and more, the (Continued next page)
event includes a variety of food and beverage
booths, fun activities, and live music.
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