Page 75 - Midland
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Midland Points of Interest

        HISTORIC SITES:                   Permian Basin Vietnam Veterans Memorial
        Brown-Dorsey Medallion Home       9900 Wright Drive, Midland, TX
        432-682-2931                      The pentagonal-shaped memorial holds plaques
        213 N Weatherford, Midland, TX 79701   of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast
        Owned, restored and maintained by the Midland  Guard, as well as the names of the individuals
        County Historical Society, this home, built in  who lost their lives during the conflict. Close to
        1899, is reportedly the oldest house in Midland.  Midland International Airport.
        The historic Victorian style residence, decorated
        with furnishings from the 1800s, features a  Pliska Airplane
        magnificent Gothic art glass window in the  432-560-2200
        entry. Tours are available by appointment.  9506 Laforce Blvd, Midland, TX 79706
                                          Fascinated by airplanes, John V. Pliska built his
        George W. Bush Childhood Home     own after he saw a Wright Brothers Model B
        432-685-1112                      plane land in Midland in 1911 on a cross-coun-
        1412 W Ohio, Midland, TX 79701    try flight. He flew his plane in 1912, making it
        Opened on April 11, 2006, the home has been  the first plane built and flown in the state of
        restored to the early 1950s and reflects the  Texas. It can be viewed daily in the Midland
        lives of the young family through exhibits and  International Airport.
        furnishings. Nowhere outside the United States
        have so many prominent political figures lived in  Scarborough/Linebery House
        one home – two presidents, two governors, first  432-685-7368
        lady, ambassador and a CIA director.  802 S Main, Midland, TX 79701
                                          Built in 1907 the Scarborough/Linebery House
        HOURS: Tuesday-Saturday, 10AM-5PM; Sunday,  is an example of ranch-style architecture
        2PM-5PM. The museum is closed Mondays,  characteristic of early-day West Texas cattleman.
        Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New  The historical home is open by appointment for
        Year’s Day. Admission Charged. Wheelchair  tours, luncheons, dinner parties, day retreats,
        accessible.                       weddings, receptions, and backyard functions.

                                                             (Continued next page)
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