Page 77 - Midland
P. 77
Midland Points of Interest
Midland County Historical Museum and provide enjoyment through its collections,
432-688-8947 exhibitions, programs and events. The Museum
301 W Missouri, Midland, TX 79701 of the Southwest hosts two major events
Exhibits include early Midland history; pioneer every year: SeptemberFest, an annual juried
relics; photos; mementos of the Civil War, World art show the weekend following Labor Day,
Wars I and II; and Native American artifacts. One and Christmas at the Mansion throughout the
of the most popular exhibits is the reproduction month of December.
of “ Midland Man.” The fossil remains (including
a skull, rib and hand bones) were discovered Permian Basin Petroleum Museum
south of Midland on the Scharbauer Ranch & Chaparral Racecar Gallery
in 1953, and proved human life existed in the 432-683-4403
Midland area as long ago as 9000-9500 B.C. 1500 W Interstate 20, Midland, TX 79701
Walk through an ancient sea… parade through
HOURS: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 2PM-5PM downtown Boomtown… experience the
technologies of the Petroleum Industries. The
Midland Downtown Lions Club Fire Museum interactive Petroleum Museum takes you step-
432-685-7335 by-step through the dynamic search for black
1500 W Wall, Midland, TX 79701 gold. Don’t miss the world’s largest collection of
Sponsored by the Midland Downtown Lions antique oil drilling equipment. Life-size murals,
Club, this free museum offers visitors an up- ancient artifacts, antique drilling equipment
close look at the city’s first fire trucks, Old Engine and colorful memorabilia combine with rooms
#1 and Old Engine #2. Other exhibits include of breathtaking beauty of Tom Lovell’s murals
early firefighting equipment, photographs, and depicting the American West. A can’t miss on
a collection of early fire markers. The museum your visit to Midland! The Chaparral Gallery
is located on the east end of the Central Fire is home to all seven of Jim Hall’s Chaparral
Station building. racecars. Experience the engineering genius of
HOURS: Daily, 9AM-6PM the cars through science-related interactives.
HOURS: Monday–Saturday, 10AM-5PM;
Museum of the Southwest Sunday, 2PM-5PM; Closed Thanksgiving Day,
432-683-2882 Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day.
1705 W Missouri, Midland, TX 79701
The Museum of the Southwest is comprised Marian Blakemore Planetarium
of the Juliette and Fred Turner, Jr. Memorial The Blakemore Planetarium houses a state of
Gallery; a sculpture garden, the Fredda Turner the art Spitz SciDome projector, permanent
Durham Children’s Museum; and the Marian exhibition area and a classroom. Dome shows
Blakemore Planetarium. The Museum of the are presented Tuesday through Saturday,
Southwest inspires discovery, interaction and followed by star talks. To book a tour or private
exploration of art, science, culture and history, dome show, please contact the Museum of the
enriching the lives of people of all ages. The Southwest. Star Parties, hosted by the West
museum uses the power of these disciplines Texas Astronomers, take place once a month,
to ignite the imagination, stimulate thought (Continued next page)
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