Page 76 - Midland
P. 76

Midland Points of Interest

        (Continued from previous page)    MUSEUMS:
        LIBRARIES:                        CAF Airpower Museum
        Haley Library & History Center    432-563-1000
        432-682-5785                      9600 Wright Drive, Midland, TX 79701
        1805 W Indiana, Midland, TX 79701   The CAF Airpower Museum is world renowned
        Learn about Texas and southwestern history  for their authentic World War II artifacts, the
        including the cattle industry and those behind it.  world’s largest collection of Aviation Nose Art™
        The library features more than 30,000 volumes  and the annual CAF AIRSHO. The museum houses
        covering western exploration, early railroads,  40,000 square feet of hands-on permanent
        and the development of ranching, mining,  exhibits that detail the story of World War II
        petroleum and politics. The library also features  airpower, an exhibit that also features 13 to 18
        extensive information on the Lincoln County  aircraft. The museum’s nose art gallery features
        War and Billy the Kid, and a collection of bronze  33 original panels officially designated by the
        sculptures, paintings and artifacts.   National Trust for Historic Preservation as an
                                          official project of Save America’s Treasures.
        HOURS: Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM
        Admission: Free                   HOURS: Tuesday-Saturday: 9AM-5PM, Holidays
                                          12PM-5PM,  Closed  Sundays,  Mondays,  New
        Centennial Library                Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving Day,
        432-742-7400                      Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. Admission
        2503 W Loop 250 N, Midland, TX 79705   charged. Nationally accredited.
        Our collection includes hardbacks, paperbacks,
        large print, magazines, newspapers, music, DVDs  Fredda Turner Durham Children’s Museum
        and audio books for children, teens and adults of  432-683-2882
        all ages. We also have public access computers  1705 W Missouri Ave, Midland, TX 79701
        complete with MS Office applications, Internet  The Durham Children’s Museum offers a  variety
        connection and a printer (black & white only).  of hands-on, interactive exhibitions that create
                                          an exciting learning experience for children of all
        HOURS: Monday-Thursday, 9AM-8PM   ages.  A rotating exhibition space offers 4 to 5
        Friday & Saturday, 9AM-6PM        diverse and education-based exhibitions a year.
        Closed on Sunday                  A permanent exhibition space called “My Town”
                                          is a two-story, child-sized cityscape featuring a
        Downtown Library                  bank, construction site, Victorian house, grocery
        432-688-4320                      store and more. Tours and group rates are
        301 West Missouri Ave, Midland, TX 79701   available by appointment.
        HOURS: Monday-Saturday, 9AM-6PM   HOURS: Tuesday-Saturday, 10AM-5PM
                                          Sunday, 2PM-5PM; closed Monday

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