Page 4 - October 2018 Newsletter
P. 4


                                                                                       P&H Casters has been
                                                                                        awarded a 90,000 cart
                                                                                        rollout with Walmart
                                                                                         for these (we hope)
                                                                                       Topstock (ladder) carts!
            ADDING PEOPLE
             EQUALS MORE


        Contributed by: Ed

       In what could be a frightening test of
       the limited ladies bathroom facilities
       on the second floor, Ed Webber, the
       company’s controller reports that the
       accounting department is about to
       enter an expansion phase.

       Our first clue was when we saw that
       the accounting support space had
       been divided into 3 so that an “addi-
       tion operation” could be commenced.

       To sum it up, Ed says that “we are                                         SOURCE: reddit r/walmart forum
       expanding the accounting department                                        (comments are from employees of
       and adding a 3rd person in the position                                    Walmart)
       of an Accounting Clerk. This position
       will be more focused on Accounts Re-        P&H CLIMBING                   “The ladder is attached to the cart???? I'm
       ceivable, working with customer service      THE LADDER                    partial to the old silver/rocket cards - the ones
                                                                                  that had the repositionable shelf. We have 1 left
       and sales to not only collect funds                                        here. Much easier to steer and not clanky like
       faster, but to also keep our customer        AT  WALMART                   the newer ones."
       accounts accurate and clean.
                                             Contributed by: Jesse, who is not eligible to win   “Hopefully these are sturdy. We received direc-
       This is all due to the growth of the com-  a prize because he has 5 letters in his first name   tions to send all our original rocket carts away
       pany and I know I am excited to expand   and  it does not contain either an “o” or a “h”.    through used assets about a year ago. The rep-
                                                                                  ositional shelf was nice but the tabs that hold it
       our team so that we can provide more                                       in place were too weak. People overloaded the
       value to P&H Casters as a whole.”    I was searching for a photo of this cart   carts and after repeated abuse they would start
                                            and I happened across this one that   to crack and eventually snap off.”
       Editor’s note: I’m excited too. I hope   was taken by a Walmart employee.
       they’re all ladies so we can get our   This is a relatively new National Cart   “I can't see how they would be sturdy. There's
                                                                                  no locking mechanism on the wheels. The only
       second stall back!                   piece of equipment that has become    safety you have is the pegs on the step-ladder.”
                                            one that we are very fond of, for rea-
                                            sons that you will see in just a second   “They have wheel locks, nobody uses them
                                            of two. Depends upon how fast you     though. They are quite sturdy in my experience,
                                            read.                                 however the ladder has a 300lb weight limit
                                                                                  and if that is exceeded it can bend a bit and the
                                                                                  pegs that hold it still won't engage. They are
                                            The photo was part of a comment on    far superior to anything else when it comes to
                                            reddit forum by Walmart people. I was   working top stock.”
                                            really quite touched that they care
                                            enough to discuss these carts.        “Saw these on a Facebook group last night.
                                                                                  They look awesome!”
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