Page 5 - October 2018 Newsletter
P. 5
Product Design
We’re actually a little shy of 40 days
and 40 nights. We’re at 21 in the past
46 days. So in the last month and a
half, it’s rained half the time.
2015 was actually the wettest (doesn’t
this look funny, but I checked the spell-
ng, Alvar) year on record so far for the
DFW metroplex. But of course, 2018
isn’t over yet. It could rain everyday for
the balance of the year--that’s more
than 40. It seems like an endless rain
on my parade. But the important thing
Contributed by: Jorge who is eligible to win a prize be- is this: IF YOU SEE SOMETHING: a leak,
cause his 5 letter first name contains an “o”. So does Jason Smith’s. pool of water (where it shouldn’t be),
PRODUCT TESTING: extremely simple approach. It includes etc. ----
all of the elements of engineering
BACK TO BASICS design: empathize, define, ideate, pro- SAY SOMETHING. Please let Hailey
totype and test! An impressive display know so we can get it checked out.
of “thinking of the least you can do to
In a visual display of the engineering solve the problem”. We’re amazed.
design priniciple that suggests that
“simple solutions are normally better
than complex solutions”, Jorge Casaus
recently collaborated with Amigo Mo-
bility Solutions Mechanical Engineer,
Jeremiah Schultz, to design a prod-
uct test for the Smartcarte luggage
cart shown above. (wow that was a
loooonnnnggg sentence).
Jorge and Jeremiah settled on this
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