P. 24
Information Technology (IT)
ShareSync, Smartsheet, any project-specific applications, Laptop, etc.) and send it to
IT Procurement
Based upon these consultations, the PM will initiate the purchase requests for the IT equipment and
software recommended by the IT Department to either the IT Department, Home Office, or local
vendors. All software is procured and configured either by the Home Office or the IT Department. Most
IT equipment will be procured, configured, and shipped by the IT Department. The Home Office may also
procure and ship the equipment that does not need to be configured. Finally, in some cases, the PM or
IT Department may recommend that some IT equipment be procured locally.
Software of any type installed on a Vysnova computer must be licensed and legal. The use of unlicensed,
illegal software on a Vysnova computer or equivalent accessory is strictly prohibited and is grounds for
dismissal. If purchases of software applications outside of the Vysnova Standard Software Applications
(See ANNEX H: Vysnova IT Standards) are planned, the PM will send a ticket to the IT Help Desk
( to request that the IT Department review the desired software application
and its incorporation into the existing software applications or system software.
If IT equipment or software is being procured for the project staff by either the IT Department or a
member of the Home Office staff, the PM or PA must obtain a quote from the purchaser and complete
a Purchase Requisition (PR) (Template available in the Vysnova Standard PgM Docs ShareSync folder (See
Annex E)). Details on the PR process can be found in Direct Purchases under Procurement Section. Once
the PR is complete, the PM or Program/Project Associate/Assistant (PA) must submit the
signed/approved PR to the purchaser via email (either to the IT Help Desk or the Home Office staff
member) with the subject line: “IT Procurement Request.” The IT Department or Home Office staff
member will have 3 business days to complete the purchase and will respond to the PR “Requester”
informing them that the purchase has been made.
Before the shipment of IT equipment, either by courier such as DHL, a freight forwarder, or carried by
traveling staff members, Project staff will verify with the local client agency office documentation
requirements to clear equipment through customs, any recommended procedures to avoid delays with
customs officials, and possible taxation issues related to importing IT equipment.
If IT equipment is being procured locally, the PM and their team will follow normal procurement
procedures for the local purchases (see Direct Purchases under Procurement Section).
Project IT Equipment Set-Up
The IT Department will provide one or more IT field specialists to work with the Project Team to set up
any necessary equipment. Mainly this IT person will work remotely; however, the IT Department or PM
may decide that on-site visits to the location as well as to subsidiary office locations maybe required.
The IT Department technical personnel will:
Identify project IT equipment, supplies, and service vendors.
Supervise if required any local IT procurement process.
Arrange with local vendors for services such as LAN and Internet service installation
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