P. 45


                                    Bad debts
                                    Contributions and donations
                                    Executive compensation more than established ceilings
                                    Federal income taxes
                                    Fines and penalties
                                    Certain costs related to legal and other proceedings
                                    Lobbying costs
                                    Losses on other contracts
                                    Memberships in social organizations
                                    Organizational costs
                                    Patent costs not required by contract
                                    Certain professional services
                                    Non-Performing bonus
                       Identifying and Segregating Unallowable Costs
                       The various PMs identify costs that are unallowable and submit such costs as separate
                       line items on time and expense reports submitted to corporate headquarters.  The PMs
                       attend training sessions in FAR compliance on unallowable costs to learn/update their
                       knowledge  on  allowable  vs.  unallowable  costs  annually.    Any  large  or  unusual  costs
                       submitted are reviewed by corporate accounting for allowability.  If a cost submitted as
                       allowable and its allowability is questionable based on the review the Accounts Payable
                       (AP) Specialist contacts the associated PMs to discuss the allowability of the cost. If the
                       cost  is  determined  to  be  unallowable  an  entry  is  created  to  reclassify  the  cost  as
                       unallowable, if the cost is determined to be allowable the original entry stands.
                       To facilitate the tracking and segregating of unallowable costs in the general ledger, these
                       costs are recorded in separate general ledger accounts in Deltek CostPoint identified as
                       expense accounts beginning with numeric digits “9”.  All costs not specifically classified
                       as allowable are recorded as unallowable costs and are recorded in the separate general
                       ledger  accounts.    These  unallowable  costs  are  then  excluded  in  the  Company’s  final
                       indirect cost rate proposal to the Government.
                       Each year, the Company must submit its costs on government contracts to the Defense Contract
                       Audit Agency (DCAA) and these costs are subject to an incurred cost audit.  During these audits,
                       the DCAA will determine the allowability of incurred costs submitted for reimbursement.  Because
                       government contracts will generally include a clause for penalties for unallowable costs, if the final
                       indirect cost rate proposal includes expressly unallowable costs, the Government may access a
                       penalty equal to the amount of the disallowed indirect cost plus simple interest, or a penalty for
                       twice the amount of the allocated unallowable indirect cost (if the indirect cost was previously
                       determined as unallowable).

                                        Copyright 2020 Vysnova Partners Inc.  All rights reserved.

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