P. 47
Indirect Purchases
New Hires
When a new hire is hired the HR deartment will work with the office admin to ensure all the normal
employee supplies are provided to the employee upon their first day. If there are any special needs
please cordinate with HR prior the new hire start date.
Regular Office Supplies Inventory
Each office in DC and MD have a standard list of supplies that are kept in storage. It is the office admin
responsablitily to keep the supplies stocked. Supplies include but not limited to pens, pencils,
monitors, keyboards, paper, staplers (and staples), staple puller, tap dispenser (refiles), post its,
notebooks, envelopes, postage, file folders, coffee, cups, creamer, sugar, plastic ware, cleaning
supplies, etc. To receive the most updated list of items please contact the office admin. If you need
any supplies please ensure you have let the office manager know what you need in order to keep the
supplies stocked.
Each month a inventory of supplies is completed and items are ordered by the office admin. Urgent
request approved by the COO or Controller will be expedited within three business days. Non-urgent
request will go in with the monthly supply order.
Special request
If there is a special need for a item please send an email to the office admin at
to request the special item. Special items should be items that Vysnvoa will keep or use for any staff
member. As an example CAC cards, stylist, special sized paper, etc. Any software or computers must
be requested from the IT department. See Signature Authorities Matrix in Annex for when COO or
Controller approval is required. The office will be responsible for making the purchase after the
approvals has been provided. Training is provided for PAs and F&As for proper PR procedure (see
Annex F). No Overhead purchases should be charged to PM credit cards. Please refer to the credit
card policy for details.
Field offices will maintain separate inventory records for all items by funding source. In other words,
a field office will maintain separate ledgers for items purchased or acquired with funds other than the
main client’s contract funds, i.e., items purchased with Vysnova’s funds or acquired through the office
Every field office is responsible for maintaining inventory of their office needs and keep control over
non-expendable goods that have been acquired via direct purchase, grants or by another means. Such
acquisition also includes goods transferred from other entities, whether the title to the good is
acquired. Therefore, it is necessary that the items be singularly identified with a unique item code.
If an item is need in a project office, the item will be charged to overhead. Only items purchased in
the Vysnova Headquarters will be General and Administrative (G&A) due to the staffing type in each
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