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                      This guide is to help a PM and their staff to perform travel, be reimbursed for travel, and charge
                      the customer.  If there is a need to travel but it is for an indirect project, please work with the
                      COO for approval but in general the same guidelines are to be followed.

                      Travel Planning
                      When  the  need  for  travel  arises,  check  your  contract  to  ensure  it  allows  travel  and  begin
                      planning for the trip as soon as possible. Plans that must be made/considered may include:

                              Travel schedule, purpose, and agenda
                              Pricing and timing for travel by plane, boat, or train
                              Regulations  concerning  vehicles  rentals,  government-owned  vehicle  usage  or
                              personally owned vehicle usage
                              Ground  transportation  to  and  from  places  of  interest  (e.g.  airports,  project  sites,
                              hotels, etc.)
                              Visa and vaccination requirements for OCONUS travel
                              Any other project-specific considerations

                      If the traveler would like to combine leave with the official travel, a price comparison of the
                      flights must be included as back-up documentation. The traveler is responsible for paying the
                      difference in price, if any. Per-diem will only be provided for the official travel days.

                      Travelers are responsible for securing all necessary documentation for their destination (e.g.
                      immunizations).  Travelers  should  coordinate  with  the  PM  to  ensure  they  receive  travel
                      insurance. Travel Insurance can be provided through United Health Care Global, as Vysnova has
                      an account with them.
                      Travel Authorization and Approvals
                      The Travel Authorization and Advance Request (TAAR) form is used to authorize individuals for
                      the  travel  on  a  specific  project  and  must  be  completed  prior  to  arrangements.  The  TAAR
                      template can be found in the Template available in Vysnova Standard PgM Docs ShareSync
                      folder, see Annex E.  All travel costs must be estimated and listed on the TAAR or it may not
                      be reimbursed.  In some cases, the client must approve travel plans. In these cases, ensure that
                      the  client  signs  a  travel  approval  request  prior  to  booking  any  non-refundable
                      arrangements. This helps protect Vysnova and the Traveler from having to pay for any travel
                      costs out of pocket.
                      Travelers are requested to submit travel requests with as much advance as possible and/or as
                      designated by the PM. An initial itinerary for the traveler’s review will be e-mailed within 24
                      hours. The Finance Analyst and PM will review and approve the TAAR.

                      Guidelines for Purchasing Tickets
                      Vysnova standard practice is that the PA or other designated Vysnova staff procures all airfare
                      for  employees,  consultants,  and  subcontractors  unless  an  exception  applies  (Refer  to
                      Subcontract  Elements  section  under  Subcontractor  Management).  Vysnova  adheres  to  the
                      Federal Travel Regulations (FTR) and other agencies’ guidance (as applicable) regarding project

                                      Copyright 2020 Vysnova Partners Inc.  All rights reserved.

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