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                   Through  an  ongoing  internal  collaborative  process  Vysnova  has  standardized  its  policies  and
                   procedures and codified them in this Program Management Guide (PM Guide). To be succinct,
                   this guide uses the following terminology in place of their longer, more descriptive meanings:
                          Vysnova Corporate: Non-Project staff including division such as Accounting, Contracting,
                           Business Development, Information Technology (IT), Human Resources (HR), etc.
                          PgM: Program or Project Management
                          PM: Program/Project Manager or Chief of Party
                          Project: Except in the PgM Processes section where we specifically discuss the Program-
                           and Project-level, this term is used throughout the other sections to refer to either a
                           Program or Project
                   This guide serves as a practical document to inform PMs of their role in each aspect of a program,
                   their  responsibilities  and  deliverables  as  a  PM,  the  support  they  can  expect  from  Vysnova
                   Corporate, and SOPs and instructions for working with Vysnova Corporate for the following topics
                   and/or functional areas:
                            PgM Processes                              Subcontractor Management
                            Human Resources                            Accounting
                            Information Technology                     Procurement
                            Security                                   Travel
                   The Sections can be easily navigated using either the Word Navigation Pane or by Ctrl+Click on
                   the headings in the PM Guide’s Table of Contents.  Contents of each section are updated on an
                   annual basis at which time updates will be summarized in an accompanying Change Memo (See
                   Annex  M  for  template).    This  indicates  the  date  of  the  change  and  its  location  within  the
                   corresponding section of the PM Guide.  Change memos are issued by the Chief Operations Officer
                   and distributed to the PMs.

                   The primary point of contact at Vysnova Headquarters for field operations is the Chief Operating
                   Officer  (COO)  and/or  his/her  designated  representative.    Vysnova  staff  should  direct  any
                   questions about this manual to the COO or his designated representative.  Suggestions or requests
                   to  change,  update,  or  improve  these  policies  and  procedures  outside  of  the  regular  annual
                   updates  should  go  to  the  COO  copying  the  COO’s  designated  representative  using  the
                   Change/Update Request Form located in ANNEX L. The COO will work with Vysnova’s functional
                   directorates in considering their applicability. If accepted, the COO will issue a Change Memo
                   using the form located in ANNEX M.
                   The PM Guide is a resource for PMs in all PgM-related functions.  It is to be used in conjunction
                   with Department Manuals, the Vysnova Operations Manual, the Vysnova Employee Manual, and
                   the Host Country National Employee Handbook (as provided by the host country partner/payroll

                                     Copyright 2020 Vysnova Partners Inc.  All rights reserved.

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