Page 207 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 207
So what does the future
hold for us?

We know that we are living longer! 2 out of every 100
children born in Ireland today will live to be 120 years
old and a third of our children will live to be over 100. It
is now more important than ever that we stay as healthy
as possible.

Imagine retiring at 65 and living 40 years post
retirement? This is now the reality many countries and
populations are facing. Big challenges are facing policy
makers all over the world as to how they will cope with
an increasingly ageing population and a population
that is living far longer than the original systems were
designed to cope with.

Can our health service cope with a nation What is Smart Ageing?
living longer? A nation that will need
access to more services for a longer Smart Ageing is a concept that uses technology to
period of time? promote, maintain and improve the quality of our life
years from age 50+. As a nation, are we in a position
Does our Retirement pension allow us to to age cleverly? Do we have the correct policies
live comfortably for up to 45 years post under development for our future to support us and
retirement? our families as we age? In today’s Ireland we expect
to see up to 3 generations of a family alive at the
Are our Carers set up to continue same time, but consider a future where there are up
providing the necessary support to to 5 generations of a family living at the same time.
us? This scenario is not unrealistic, according to current
What barriers exist in our society that
restricts people in their 60’s from starting Solutions to problems we yet don’t face are already
up new businesses, continuing to work or under development. Technology, skills and a range of
re-train for new careers? supports are the necessary building blocks in a Smart
Ageing Society.
These questions and many more are now coming to
the forefront of policy makers globally. A new trend The Good News for us is that Ireland is poised to take
is emerging and Ireland is at the leading edge of the lead role as a Global Centre of Excellence Smart
its research and development. The concept of Smart Ageing Hub, with work well underway for us to achieve
Ageing is gathering momentum around the world. this status.

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