Page 209 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
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Highly specialised academic staff across our This is an exciting time. Change
universities and hospitals undertake phenomenal
amounts of research on all aspects of ageing to inform is afoot! Ageing will no longer
policy makers and funders around the world on trends,
risks and opportunities for us as we age. Ireland is at be seen as a “retirement”. It is
the forefront of this “Big Data” research function.
a time for re-generation,
Using this data, start-up and existing companies are
already working to develop new products and services re-ignition and re-invention.
while enhancing current offerings to meet the needs
of an ageing population. Trials are already underway Exercise daily, maintain a
in Ireland, focused on improved access to the health
system for older people. routine, learn a new skill,

This is directly as a result of research undertaken participate in your community,
across large numbers of older people, carers and
families where hospital appointments posed a eat well and embrace the future!
significant difficulty for ageing patients.
Paula Donovan:
Imagine a health system where one appointment
would be put in place for all conditions under Paula’s career spanned
treatment and that appointment would be take place global and senior roles
on one floor of a hospital, in sequence, without the in both the finance and
to and fro we currently experience. This research is technology sectors for
shaping the future of our health service and is just 20 years, before a career
one of many areas under development. change led her to a local
start up opportunity in
New products & services are also being trialled, the form of Ballyroan
focusing on the different stages of health management. Community & Youth
Again, leveraging research, technology and skills, Centre, in Rathfarnham, Dublin.
new mechanisms will be made possible to prevent
us getting disabling conditions, manage existing Here, as part of a wider focus and ongoing initiatives,
conditions with better outcomes and provide supports she worked extensively to establish the Friday Club
for families and communities as we age. It is clear to and Men’s Shed as a social setting for older people
see that policy makers are and need to be an essential in the Community where friendship, fun, fitness
element of this future trend. and learning are the pillars on which club activity
is based. Paula also works with other communities
and organisations to provide advice, expertise and
guidance on areas such as governance, initiative
development and planning. More recently in May
2014, Paula, a first time political candidate was elected
as a Fine Gael Councillor to South Dublin County
Council, where she continues to represent the voice
of older people and the community. Married, with 4
young children, she is an active Scout Leader and also
fundraises for the National Children’s Hospital through
the Ladies Guild.

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