Page 77 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 77
11. Blaskets View, Co Kerry 12. Bray Head, Co Kerry

Out on the very edge of Europe, off the Dingle Viewed from Bray Head, Skellig Michael and Small
Peninsula, lie the mystical Blasket Islands, a small Skellig are two islands rising from the Atlantic some
archipelago renowned for its storytellers. In the early 13km southwest of Valentia Island in County Kerry.
20th century, JM Synge became the first of many Skellig Michael is renowned among archaeologists
writers to arrive here in search of Ireland’s traditional as the site of a well-preserved monastic outpost of
culture, which remained strong in this isolated and the early Christian period, and it is now designated as
far-flung community. Here, people lived simply and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
frugally off the land and sea. Their stories were
transcribed and became the first written works to be Small Skellig, meanwhile, is famous in the world of
published from the oral Irish culture. ornithology, as it is home to some 27,000 pairs of

After many years of hardship and emigration, the last gannets, making it the world’s second-largest colony
inhabitants left in 1953, and today, you can wander of these sea birds. The monastic site on Skellig
among their ruined cottages on the main island, An Michael is reached by climbing more than 600
Blascaod Mór (Great Blasket). steps on a 1,000-year-old stairway. Stone beehive
huts where the monks lived and prayed cling to
From there you can also spy dolphins and whales, cliff edges alongside oratories, a cemetery, stone
and look out across the horizon toward America, as crosses, holy wells and the Church of St Michael.
so many have done before. Back on the mainland, a These remains demonstrate the spartan conditions
visit to the Blasket Centre will provide insight into in which the monks lived until they left the island in
the islanders’ lives and the rich literary heritage of the 13th century. You can experience these islands
the region. first-hand with a boat trip, or opt to stay on dry land
and visit the Skellig Experience Centre instead.

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