Page 82 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 82

BEFORE no good to you! Read between the lines, ask yourself
YOU GO..... if the writer shares your mind-set or if a negative
review is the result of a cranky traveller or just a bad
Booking your holiday on the internet is often experience.
seen as the cheapest option but only if you
are a diligent and regular researcher and are As a rule of thumb, the more people that have
willing to take a certain amount of risk! contributed, the more valuable overall ratings become.
Always check travellers’ photos - they can often be
more informative than reviews!

A good travel agent will not only give recommendations • Guidebooks: always look for the latest version.
according to your tastes and wants but often have
agreements with airlines and hotels, offering discounts They will contain local maps, phrases and
and free nights/upgrades etc. They also take all the valuable, unbiased information. Local libraries
stress and worry out of booking and leave you free to often stock a wide range. Many guidebooks,
enjoy your trip! including Lonely Planet and Rough Guide, can
now be downloaded onto your phone, kindle or
If you decide to book each element of your holiday tablets and save on space!
yourself, review sites such as Trip Advisor show traveller
reviews for just about everywhere in the world! These • Book tickets in advance: many tourist sites
views can be a good source of information but should
only form part of your research. Don’t forget to check have their own websites and having your tickets
the review date - a glowing review from 3 years ago is helps you to avoid the queues when you get

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