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Cultural Companions Physical Activity & Sport Programmes
Go for Life PALs workshops
Many of us would probably go to a lot more plays,
films, shows, concerts, exhibitions or other events if
we had someone to go with. There’s a thriving social
and arts scene out there to be enjoyed if only we had
someone with the know-how, the transport or the
shared interest to get us going. That’s where Age &
Opportunity’s Cultural Companions comes in.
Cultural Companions creates local networks of people Age & Opportunity’s Go for Life is the national
interested in arts and culture that will accompany programme for sport and physical activity for older
each other to events – like minded people that meet people in Ireland. The programme is based on a
up regularly to go out together either with one other unique model of peer leadership aiming to get older
person or as part of a small group. Its aim is to provide people more active and, since 2001, we have built a
increased opportunities for older people to engage national network of 1,200 volunteer PALs to this end.
with Ireland’s vibrant cultural and arts scene.
A PAL is a Physical Activity Leader who is already part
If this sounds like something you might of a group or club and is willing to lead activities.
like to join in with, contact 01 805 7713 PALs attend a series of nine Go for Life workshops that
for more information or email info@ enable them to lead their own group in things like short exercise routines, fun games, simple dances and
sports like pitch and toss. Groups may be an Active
Samhain Retirement group, a sports club, an ICA group or a
social group that meets regularly.
As part of Age & Opportunity’s Arts & Culture
programme, the Samhain events celebrate the ancient Do you have people in your group who would be
Celtic festival of Samhain with an exploration of the interested in leading some physical activities? They
rhythms of life and death through the creative arts. don’t have to be very sporty or have a sporting
background: they just need to be enthusiastic. We
Samhain was established in 2012 to start to look will show a number of people in your group how to
at aspects of the darker side of ageing including become PALs, so that you always have a few people
death, resilience, healing and forgiveness. All events who can lead a session.
take place during November and are organised in
cooperation with the National Museum of Ireland and For more information contact us at
Poetry Ireland. 01 805 7733.
If you would like to get involved please Continued on pag 89
contact Age & Opportunity at 01 805 7709
or email
Active Retirement Ireland 85
Go for Life PALs workshops
Many of us would probably go to a lot more plays,
films, shows, concerts, exhibitions or other events if
we had someone to go with. There’s a thriving social
and arts scene out there to be enjoyed if only we had
someone with the know-how, the transport or the
shared interest to get us going. That’s where Age &
Opportunity’s Cultural Companions comes in.
Cultural Companions creates local networks of people Age & Opportunity’s Go for Life is the national
interested in arts and culture that will accompany programme for sport and physical activity for older
each other to events – like minded people that meet people in Ireland. The programme is based on a
up regularly to go out together either with one other unique model of peer leadership aiming to get older
person or as part of a small group. Its aim is to provide people more active and, since 2001, we have built a
increased opportunities for older people to engage national network of 1,200 volunteer PALs to this end.
with Ireland’s vibrant cultural and arts scene.
A PAL is a Physical Activity Leader who is already part
If this sounds like something you might of a group or club and is willing to lead activities.
like to join in with, contact 01 805 7713 PALs attend a series of nine Go for Life workshops that
for more information or email info@ enable them to lead their own group in things like short exercise routines, fun games, simple dances and
sports like pitch and toss. Groups may be an Active
Samhain Retirement group, a sports club, an ICA group or a
social group that meets regularly.
As part of Age & Opportunity’s Arts & Culture
programme, the Samhain events celebrate the ancient Do you have people in your group who would be
Celtic festival of Samhain with an exploration of the interested in leading some physical activities? They
rhythms of life and death through the creative arts. don’t have to be very sporty or have a sporting
background: they just need to be enthusiastic. We
Samhain was established in 2012 to start to look will show a number of people in your group how to
at aspects of the darker side of ageing including become PALs, so that you always have a few people
death, resilience, healing and forgiveness. All events who can lead a session.
take place during November and are organised in
cooperation with the National Museum of Ireland and For more information contact us at
Poetry Ireland. 01 805 7733.
If you would like to get involved please Continued on pag 89
contact Age & Opportunity at 01 805 7709
or email
Active Retirement Ireland 85