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Age & Opportunity works with public and private partners to deliver
established innovative programmes like the Bealtaine arts festival,
Go for Life - the national sports programme for older people or
positive ageing programmes.

Contact - Tel: 01 805 7709 Email:

Arts & Culture Programmes Over 120,000 people now take part in Bealtaine.
From 1-31 May Bealtaine gives you the opportunity
Bealtaine festival to get involved, try something new and discover new
or forgotten talents. You can attend art workshops,
May belongs to the Bealtaine Festival,which celebrates learn new dances, see interesting performances and
creativity as we age. Established in 1996 by Age even sing with the “Dawn Chorus” on the last Sunday
& Opportunity this collaborative festival presents of May.
over 3,000 performances, concerts, workshops, dance
classes, films and creative events taking place all over Bealtaine is an Age & Opportunity initiative part-
Ireland. funded by the Arts Council and delivered by hundreds
of organisations around the country.

Tel: 01 8057734

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