Page 83 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 83
• Credit Cards: Let your credit card provider know WHEN YOU’RE THERE...

when you are travelling. They keep an eye on your • Check all around you before you leave the bus, train,
transactions to avoid fraud while you are away.
taxi, hotel, restaurant. When you are somewhere new,
• Research: Always know what events are planned there are always plenty of distractions, so get into the
habit of double-checking to ensure you don’t leave
at your destination so you don’t miss out on the anything behind.
• Travel Insurance is an absolute must. Not just for
• Adaptors: There are many different plugs and
the financial aspect but their local knowledge and
voltages in use around the world. Check what immediate action also is worth the effort and
adaptors you will need in order to use/charge your payment.
• Keep your money sources separate - use one card
for the majority of purchases/cash and keep
• Plan in advance another elsewhere, just in case. Always keep a
• Lay out all the clothes you want to bring and then small amount of cash separate to your wallet - you
never know when you might need it.
put half of them away!
• Keep a copy of all important documents in your
• Roll your clothes - you fit more in!
• Mix and match your outfits and layer for colder suitcase or even better, scan them and email them
to yourself - passport/travel insurance/drivers licence/
weather tickets and booking invoices - if you lose any one of
these, they are much easier to replace if you have
• Bring as many crease-free items as possible. copies.
• Pack a week’s worth of clothes for 2/3 weeks
• Making friends when abroad can be extremely
holiday. Most destinations will have access to
washing facilities. rewarding but remember that not everyone has your
best interests in mind. Overly friendly or pushy locals
• Holiday Rule: 3 tops for every bottom. and tourists should be avoided - learn to say No,
• Limit shoes as they take up too much room and politely but firmly.

add weight. Pack socks and underwear into shoes • If you have questions, ask the concierge in your hotel
to utilise the space.
or visit the local Tourist Office. Offers from strangers
• Pack heavy items at the bottom of your suitcase, could lose you a day in visiting shops/markets/
restaurants you have no interest in - your driver/guide
close to the wheels. Weighting the bottom of the most likely gains commission from everything you
suitcase will make it more stable when buy!
• Know the culture before you go! Respect local way
• Use a plastic, ziplock bag for your toiletries - you’ll
of life and you will have a thrilling and rewarding
need it for customs anyway so why bring a holiday. Some countries frown on public displays of
separate washbag? affection or revealing attire.

• Decant all your liquids into 100ml bottles - no • In any country, you are an obvious target to thieves

panic when you forget to pack one away in your if you wear noticeable jewellery and carry expensive
check-in baggage! handbags/luggage. Don’t give them an excuse!

• Pack jewellery & cosmetics in a bag that will also • Don’t let your credit card out of your sight when

do as a 2nd handbag. making payment. Unscrupulous retailers can put
through false payments or steal your details.
• Pack a scarf! It has multiple uses: sun cover, eye
• Beware when using internet cafes abroad. Your privacy
mask, towel, make-shift bag, skirt etc.
may be compromised and key strokes monitored for
• Put your contact details, home and abroad, inside payment and passwords.

your suitcase. If your luggage goes missing, there BON VO YAGE!
is no guarantee that your luggage label will
remain attached to the handle.

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