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13. Dursey Island, Co Cork displays the geology of the region, tells the story of
Marconi in Crookhaven and discusses the lighthouse
The most westerly of Cork’s inhabited islands, Dursey keepers’ hobbies. Once your tour of the visitor centre is
is separated from the mainland by a narrow sound complete, head outside and follow the path down the
known for its strong tides. It is accessed by Ireland’s famous 99 steps and over the arched bridge that looks
only cable car, which runs about 250m above the sea. down upon the gorge. This route will take you to the
It can carry six people at a time (locals get preference) signal station, which is open to the public. Along the
on the 15 minute journey. Without any shops, pubs way, there is stunning scenery to be admired, with the
or restaurants, this peaceful little island offers day- possibility of spotting seals, kittiwakes, gannets and
trippers an escape from the hustle and bustle of choughs, not to mention minke, fin and humpback
modern living. It is, however, home to three small whales.
villages and forms part of the Beara Way Walking
Trail. Dursey is an excellent place for viewing wildlife, 15. Old Head of Kinsale, Co Cork
as a variety of birds can be seen here, including
rare species from Siberia and America. Dolphins and The Old Head of Kinslae is a remarkably dramatic
whales can also frequently be spotted in the waters piece of Ireland, protruding more than 3km into the
surrounding the island. On the island’s most westerly Atlantic Ocean. Located on the southwest coast in
hill sits the 200-year-old Signal Tower, which boasts County Cork, it is famous for its world-class, 18-hole
commanding views north to the Skellig Islands and golf course. Nine holes play along the tops of the
south to Mizen Head. There are also ruins of the cliffs, but all 18 holes boast stunning views of the
ancient church of Kilmichael, which is thought to have ocean. Long before it became a golfer’s paradise, Old
been founded by monks from Skellig Michael. Head was known for its lighthouse, established in
the 17th century by Robert Reading. This is also the
14. Mizen Head, Co Cork nearest land point to the site where the RMS Lusitania
sank in 1915, after being hit by a German torpedo.
Located just 8km from Goleen, Mizen Head is a Nearly 1,200 people perished in the incident. While
spellbinding place. As Ireland’s most south-westerly Kinsale is a stunning place to admire on land, it’s
point, it is home to a signal station that was built to best seen from the sea. You can take in views of this
save lives off the rocky shoreline. It was completed in port town and learn more about its history with a trip
1910 and later became the home of Ireland’s very first aboard ‘The Spirit of Kinsale’, which brings passengers
radio beacon in 1931. Here, inside the Keeper’s House, across the harbour, past Charles Fort and right to the
you’ll find a dynamic visitor centre that contains a café edge of the harbour where you will get a great view
and gift shop. It also has a navigation aids simulator, of the Old Head of Kinsale before returning to port
passing James Fort on the way.

For more information on what to
do along the Wild Atlantic Way, visit

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