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Education & Training Programmes an ‘open session’ and takes the form of a presentation
on a topic of interest to the group.
Ageing with Confidence Course
If you would like to take part in a Taking
The Age & Opportunity’s Ageing with Confidence Stock course or arrange it in your area,
Course aims to increase participants’ self-confidence please contact us at 01 805 7798 or
by: facilitating people to explore their own ageing; email
challenging the myths and stereotyping that lead
to ageism; and providing information on physical, The Community Effect
psychological and social aspects of growing older.
The Group Programme consists of 8 weekly two and The Community Effect is a course that inspires older
a half hour sessions. Each session is delivered by two people to make change within their own communities.
facilitators trained by Age & Opportunity. It promotes active citizenship and aims to build social
capital within communities. Participants develop their
The course is suitable for anyone who is interested in critical awareness skills and explore how wider
exploring their own ageing. It is a psycho-educational societal issues impact on the lives of older people
programme and not a therapeutic one. No previous and motivate them to bring about change on issues
qualifications are necessary. affecting their lives.

If you would like to take part in Ageing The course runs over eight sessions of two-and-a-half
with Confidence course or to arrange it in hours.
your area please contact us at 01 805 7798
or email It takes a Community Education approach, starting
with where the participants are in their lives and helps
Taking Stock them to build a vision for what change they would like
to see in their communities. The Community Effect
Age & Opportunity’s Taking Stock provides men values the skills and experiences that people have
and women of 55 years and older the opportunity built up over their lives and uses that as a starting
to explore the concept of positive ageing in a point to work with the group to decide the content of
group session over a period of eight weeks. Taking the course.
Stock includes some of the aspects of Ageing with
Confidence but has a stronger community emphasis, For more information call
discussing locally available services and facilities. Age & Opportunity at 01 805 7709 or
Although primarily aimed at the over 55s, the issues
discussed might also be of interest to younger people.

The course is delivered by one Facilitator trained
by Age & Opportunity. Over eight weeks, the course
explores: the importance of staying connected and in
touch with family, friends and community; looking after
physical and mental health; being a grandparent; and
safety in the home. The final session of the course is

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