Page 121 - Guerin Media Ltd | NPA 2015 Catalogue
P. 121

National Ploughing Contest


19. If a competitor walks across any plot before 23. Competitors or persons acting on their behalf,
judging is finished, he/she will be liable for a known to be working on their plot prior to the
penalty of 10 marks without any warning. The competition will be eliminated from the
supervisor has authority to apply this penalty and in competition.
his absence the Judge or NPA Director has authority.

20. Standard 3 Furrow and Standard Reversible Class: 24. Judges: County and parish levels, one judge in
In these classes ploughs will be inspected before every three can be from the County.
and during the competition.
• No age limit. 25. Competitors who do not qualify from their
• Hydraulics allowed on plough. County competitions cannot take part in the
• Hydraulic top Link allowed. All-Ireland Ploughing Championships.
• Wheel allowed. Open split and ins and outs
must be done. 26. All competitors must start Ploughing from the
• Vari-widths allowed. same end with highest number to right hand side.
• No extra tail piece.
• No special shares. 27. FINAL DECISION
• No modifications. Any question arising and not provided for in these
• For the purpose of Standard 3 Furrow and rules will be decided by the governing Board of the
Standard Reversible Classes Number 25 body National Ploughing Association whose decision
not allowed. shall be final and binding. The NPA reserve the right
Penalty: 10 marks. to take whatever action deemed necessary for
breach of any rules or regulations.
21. Penalty of 25 marks will be imposed on
competitors who park or drive their vehicles on any 28. Objections:
part of the competition grounds. There will be an An objection must be lodged in writing to the
assembly yard provided for all equipment. Secretary of the NPA accompanied by the fee of
€10 not later than one hour after the results have
22. Competitor allowed to remove loose material been announced. The competitor or one person
but pulling or raking stubble not allowed. Penalty: nominated by the County concerned may request
10 marks. a meeting with the Consultants to support his/her
objection and the National Ploughing Executive
Committee will make the final decision within 28

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