Page 124 - Guerin Media Ltd | NPA 2015 Catalogue
P. 124
Ploughing Classes 2015


1. ONE COMPETITOR / ONE CLASS and the top two placed competitors in the Under
One Competitor / one class. 28 Conventional Class-Senior Grade (from the
Republic of Ireland not including non ROI
Exemption to this is as follows; competitors) will qualify for the Senior
a) Senior Conventional & Senior Reversible classes Conventional Class on Wednesday.

b) Qualifications from the Under 28 conventional h) The top ten placed competitors (from the
/ reversible, Intermediate conventional / reversible Republic of Ireland not including non ROI
to the senior class on Wednesday. competitors)in the Senior Conventional Class on
Wednesday will qualify for the Senior
c) Qualifications from the senior convention Conventional Test Match on Thursday.
/ reversible to test match on Thursday.
i) The National Senior Conventional Champion will
d) Also Horse classes. be the competitor with the highest combined
marks from Senior Conventional Class on
e) Visitors classes. Wednesday & the Senior Conventional Test
Match on Thursday.

2. SENIOR CONVENTIONAL j) The highest placed competitor (from Rep. of
(Senior, Intermediate, Junior Grade) Ireland) over the two days will qualify for the
a) Individual ploughman/woman is graded according World Contest 2016 in England.
to where they plough in 2015 or according to
k) No age limit in this class.
if they are subject to regrading from 2015 NPC


b) 3 competitors per County permitted over the 3 3. SENIOR REVERSIBLE
classes- Junior, Intermediate & Senior. 4 (Senior, Intermediate Grade)
competitors (at least) must plough in Senior Classes a) Individual ploughman/woman is graded
at County level if a 3rd competitor is to qualify. according to where they plough in 2015 or
according to if they are subject to regrading from
c) If a competitor does not qualify 1st, 2nd or 3rd in 2015 NPC results.
the county qualifying matches 2015/2016 then he/
she not eligible to plough in NPC 2016. b) 3 competitors per County permitted over the 2
classes- Intermediate & Senior. 4 competitors (at
d) If a competitor returns to plough after number of least) must plough in Senior Classes at County
year’s absence he/she will plough at their last level if a 3rd competitor is to qualify.
c) If a competitor does not qualify 1st, 2nd or 3rd in
e) If a competitor is a newcomer he/she will enter at the county qualifying matches 2015/2016 then
junior grade. he/she not eligible to plough in NPC 2016.

f) Competitors qualifying for All Ireland Ploughing d) If a competitor returns to plough after number of
Championships must have competed in a minimum year’s absence he/she will plough at their last
of two matches. grade.

g) The top two placed competitors in the Intermediate e) If a competitor is a newcomer he/she will enter
Conventional Class (from the Republic of Ireland) at intermediate grade.

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