Page 125 - Guerin Media Ltd | NPA 2015 Catalogue
P. 125
Ploughing Classes 2015


f) Competitors qualifying for All Ireland e) This competition is restricted to 2/3 furrow
Ploughing Championships must have competed ploughs.
in a minimum of two matches.
g) The top two placed competitors in the a) County may enter only one competitor in this
Intermediate Reversible Class (from the Republic class.
of Ireland) and the top two placed competitors
in the U-28 Reversible Class (from the Republic b) Competitors in this class must be over 21 years
of Ireland) will qualify for the Senior Reversible of age and under 28 years of age on the 1st
Class on Wednesday. January of the competition year. Exception:
Where a County has two U21 and no U28
h) The top ten placed competitors (from the competitor – one can enter this class.
Republic of Ireland not including non ROI
competitors) in the Senior Reversible Cass on c) Competitors qualifying for All Ireland Ploughing
Wednesday will qualify for the Kverneland Championships must have competed in a mini-
Reversible Test Match on Thursday. mum of two matches.

i) The National Senior Reversible Champion will be d) The top two placed competitors in the Under 28
the competitor with the highest combined marks Conventional Class-Senior Grade (from the
from Senior Reversible Class on Wednesday Republic of Ireland) will qualify for the Senior
and the Kverneland Reversible Test Match on Conventional Class on Wednesday.

j) The highest placed competitor (from Rep. of e) This class is confined to competitors who have
Ireland) over the two days will qualify for the not yet won an All-Ireland title in Senior,
World Contest 2015. Intermediate or Junior 2 Furrow Tractor Class.

k) There is no age limit in this class. 6. UNDER 21 CONVENTIONAL
a) County may enter only one competitor in this
l) This competition is restricted to 2/3 furrow
ploughs. class.

4. UNDER 28 REVERSIBLE b) Competitors in this class must be under 21 years
a) County may enter only one competitor in this of age on the 1st January of the competition
class. year.

b) Competitors in this class must be under 28 years c) Competitors qualifying for All Ireland Ploughing
of age on the 1st January of the competition Championships must have competed in a mini-
year. mum of two matches.

c) Competitors qualifying for All Ireland Ploughing d) This class is confined to competitors who have
Championships must have competed in a mini- not yet won an All-Ireland title in Senior,
mum of two matches. Intermediate or Junior 2 Furrow Tractor Class.

d) The top two placed competitors in the U-28 7. 3 FURROW CONVENTION MATCH / STANDARD 3
Reversible Class (from the Republic of Ireland) FURROW CONVENTIONAL
will qualify for the Senior Reversible Class on a) In the 3 Furrow Conventional Match and the
Wednesday. Standard 3 Furrow Conventional a County may

enter one competitor in one of the classes only.

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