Page 132 - Guerin Media Ltd | NPA 2015 Catalogue
P. 132
National Ploughing Contest


GENERAL APPEARANCE Republic of Ireland in the Intermediate
All aspects and workmanship clearly Reversible Plough Class. The top ten placed
defined and uniform furrows.................................10 marks competitors (From Republic of Ireland not
GROSS TOTAL ...............................................150 marks including non ROI competitors) on
Wednesday will plough in the Kverneland
Marks for Horse Class: Reversible Test match on Thursday.
Middle.........................................................................50 marks
Skim.............................................................................20 marks The competitor with the highest combined
Pack..............................................................................20 marks marks from the Senior Reversible Class on
Flesh ............................................................................20 marks Wednesday and the Kverneland Reversible
Straightness and Appearance ..............................20 marks Test Match on Thursday will be the National
Ins and Outs...............................................................10 marks Senior Reversible Champion.
Furrow.........................................................................50 marks
The competitor with the highest combined
Marks for Vintage: marks from the Senior Reversible Class on
Opening Split .......................................................... 10 marks Wednesday and the Kverneland Reversible
Ins and Outs.............................................................. 10 marks Test Match on Thursday (from Republic of
Middle ....................................................................... 40 marks Ireland) will qualify for the World Contest
Skim ........................................................................... 25 marks 2016 in England.
Pack............................................................................. 25 marks
Flesh ........................................................................... 25 marks The runner-up of the Kverneland
Appearance & Straightness ................................ 25 marks Reversible Test Match will go to the 2016
Furrow........................................................................ 40 marks European Reversible.
GROSS TOTAL ................................................ 200 marks
The 3rd placed competitor in the Kverneland
16. In the event of a tie in conventional classes the Reversible Test Match will go to the 2016
matter will be deferred to the Scrutineers and European Reversible.
competitors gaining highest combined marks for
middles and furrows will be placed in order of The 4th placed competitor in the Kverneland
merit, but in classes where straightness of middles Reversible Test Match will go to the 2016 Five
and furrows have been judged, these points will be Nations.
taken into account.
The 5th placed competitor will qualify for the
17. Religious beliefs be adhered to and if Sunday Northern Ireland Competition.
Ploughing is not acceptable to all denominations, it
should not be held. If this rule is violated, no B In the event of a tie, the marks for the Crown
competitors will be accepted from that county at and Straightness of Crown, and the marks for
the National Championship. the finishing Furrow and Straightness of finish-
ing Furrow be totalled. If still a tie plough-off
18. Reversible Classes: Three grades: Under-28 on the to be arranged.
1st January of competition year. Senior and
Intermediate Reversible open to any age. C Under-28 Reversible competitor can compete
in Senior Reversible and then revert back to
A National Senior Reversible Champion: Under-28 Reversible Class.
All Senior competitors plough on Wednesday
as well as the top two placed competitors from D Pressers at same angle as Mouldboard.
the Republic of Ireland in the U28 Reversible Diagram as for reversible.

132 Plough Class and the top two from the
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