Page 136 - Guerin Media Ltd | NPA 2015 Catalogue
P. 136
Loy Association of Ireland
Cumann Lai na hEireann


RULES 8. Time allowed: 3 hours.
1. The Loy should be in keeping with traditional shapes
9. Ridge Length
or designs. No adjustment of any kind allowed Senior & junior 30ft
(Penalty – 20 marks). Under 25 30ft
2. Competitors are allowed to erect lines and pegs Under 21 15ft
(3 lines & 6 pegs) on the plot before the starting sig- Ladies 10ft
nal, but must remove them before digging commenc- The committee have the discretion to shorten plots
es (Penalty 10 marks). at All-Ireland with regards to hard ground 2013
3. Competitors must stop digging when final whistle is AGM.
blown. The supervisor will put down a red peg where
the last sod has been turned. The competitor can then 10. A second loy may be used in the event of a breakage
finish the plot. When finished, the competitor must and extra time maybe given to a competitor with
leave the plot area altogether. (Penalty – 10 marks for permission being obtained from a supervisor.
unfinished plot plus 1 mark per ft from red peg)
4. If a competitor walks across his own or any other 11. Age threshold for under age class. Competitors in
plot before judging is finished, he/she will be liable the U25 class must be under 25 years of age on the
for a penalty of 10 marks without warning. 1st January of the competition year. Competitors in
5. Dressing allowed only with the loy from digging the U21 class must be under 21 years of age on the
position. Touching or fixing the sod by hand or foot is 1st January of the competition year. A competitor
not permitted (Penalty – 10 marks without warning) who falls under the u 21 category cannot compete/
PROCEDURES win in the U25 class category. i.e. if under 21 the
1. Competitors competing in national and local competitor competes in that grade. If over 21 he/
competitions must be paid up members of their she competes in the under 25 grade. Proof of age
county ploughing association. must be produce either with driving licence or birth
2. Competitors in All-Ireland Competitions must be paid certificate when entering.
up members of Loy Association Ireland.
3. Competitors must qualify from their own county. 12. In the senior class, the lowest marked competitor
4. Submission of an entry will be regarded as an will be re-graded to junior class and the junior
acceptance of all rules and regulations and the winner will go up to senior.
preparedness of a competitor to observe them or
submit to penalties for breaches of same. MARKS
2 Half Furrows..........................................................25 marks
Matching Centre Verge..........................................40 marks
Pack & Flesh..............................................................25 marks
Main Furrow..............................................................30 marks
Ends..............................................................................15 marks
Appearance & Straightness...................................15 marks
Total.............................................................................150 marks

5. To commence a competitor must set up 3 lines with Note
6 pegs 46” apart. The plot consisting of 2 ridges
should be 92” wide. The plot is now ready for nicking Supervisors will be on site one hour before
and will be inspected by the supervisor. Digging commences to check competitors etc
etc and will stay until Judges are finished.
6. When the signal is sounded, nicking commences. All Supervisors and Judges must check into tent
3 lines should be nicked and lines lifted before dig- before 9am on morning of competition.
ging commences. Supervisors must wear white coats provided
by the NPA during the competitions.
7. On a base of a 3ft 10”, a ridge will consist of 2 sods,
turned towards each other leaving a verge in the
centre. Each sod should be 10.5” wide and a centre
verge 4” wide. Recommended depth of furrow 3-4”.

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