Page 15 - Our Favourite Walks by Brian Everingham
P. 15

DAY 4 -  Aire River to Johanna Beach (13 km walk)

               Walkers cross the Aire River and join the coast at Sentinel Rock Lookout. There are lots of koalas in
               the manna gums at Aire River and excellent coastal views throughout the day. The track touches the
               Great Ocean Road at Castle Cove, a good spot for lunch, then continues inland through an isolated
               section of the Great Otway National Park to Johanna Beach Lookout. The walk along the beach on
               soft sand is a hard way to end the day.

                                         Trekking along Johanna Beach into a strong headwind
               DAY 5 -  Johanna Beach to Ryan's Den (14 km walk)

               Walkers start from Johanna Beach and soon start moving inland through farming country. There are
               many hills, both up and down, in this section, with excellent views around Milanesia Beach.  A visit
               to the Ryan's Den Lookout is worthwhile.

                                                     Near Milanesia Beach

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