Page 19 - Our Favourite Walks by Brian Everingham
P. 19

however the hut had people sleeping on the floor and the table. Those not elevated were in real
               danger of attack by ferocious leeches that had no respect for closed doors.

               Leeches caused an incident that was much laughed about when the walk was completed but
               deemed serious at the time. Tiredness occurs on long distance walks and I remember one day
               perhaps at lunchtime a party member packed up, stood up and discovered a leech on the bottom.
               This caused a minor scene. Tent poles were thrown and words were said, but only to the leech and
               the tent poles. We then began the afternoon walk and the rhythm kicked in. After all it was yet
               another sunny afternoon with brilliant views to experience.

               Pine Valley and the Acropolis were our first side trip – perhaps two nights. Here there were
               invigorating swims in the glacial lakes for the more adventurous members followed by long periods
               of shivering and hot tea.

               I remember the beautiful sphagnum mosses that we walked across in the Mt Pelion East and West
               area and the breath taking views of those peaks.

               Tiger snakes were talked about but I cannot remember if we ever saw them.

               I can visualize the tall Barn Bluff and Mt Ossa, and the path ever onward. It is a truly wonderful vista
               captured in my memory if not on Kodak film.

               Our path took us past Windermere and Waterfall valley Huts, past the occasional walker heading in
               the opposite direction. At one point we met a lone European walking towards Lake St Clair carrying
               little food and no tent. It concerned us at the time – no wonder people get into difficulties, He must
               have got out though as we didn’t hear of anyone lost.

               Lunches allowed us to rest, enjoy the view, freshen up, chat and prepare for the afternoon walk.
               They also allowed romance to blossom. Two members of the party who had not met prior to this

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