Page 20 - Our Favourite Walks by Brian Everingham
P. 20

walk being planned got to know each other more and more over the 10 days. Later a wedding
               followed and they remain together to this day still cherishing the outdoors even if they are no longer
               active walkers.

               An early camp meant time for a good wash, perhaps washing of clothes, tending to tired blistered
               feet and drinking of lots of tea.
               We completed our walk at Cradle Mountain. Many of the group climbed over the large boulders and
               attained the summit. Some like me were just glad to see it and finished our climb just below the top.

               We stayed in the original cottages at Waldheim that last night and celebrated our accomplishment
               returning to civilization the following day.

               It was a wonderful walk completed in our youth in a magnificent area when the path was trod by but
               a few.

               All of us on that walk maintain a connection and a love for the Australian bush and our wonderful
               National Parks.

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