Page 21 - Our Favourite Walks by Brian Everingham
P. 21

‘Nancy’s Peak’, Porongurup National Park, Western Australia

                                                                                    Cheryl and Deo Sharma

               On a driving holiday in the south western corner of Western Australia, we found two ancient ranges
               and instantly fell in love with the area. It was wild flower season and colour was everywhere; the
               best time to be there. Ancient geology, unique bushland and abundant bird and animal life were the
               charms of Porongurup and Stirling Range National Parks.

               Porongurup National Park in the Great Southern region of Western Australia is 360 km southeast of
               Perth and 40 km from Albany. It protects the Porongurup Range, an extremely ancient and largely
               levelled mountain range formed in the Precambrian over 1200 million years ago.

               Arriving at Porongurup National Park we thought we would be clever and get to the well-advertised
               ‘Castle Rock’ walk quiet early in the day only to find the track extremely busy and noisy with all types
               of ‘walkers’. The next day after looking at our map we chose to do the lesser-known ‘Nancy’s Peak’
               walk – not a long walk but hugely enjoyable.

                                                  View of Stirling Ranges

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