Page 26 - Our Favourite Walks by Brian Everingham
P. 26

tours of wildflowers and birds are offered which we participated in and enjoyed immensely. More
               challenging walks can be found in this range for those wanting to tackle a climb on the many peaks
               and bluffs and witness the biodiversity of this stunning region.

               The word Porongurup takes its name from the local Noongar word 'Purrengorep' meaning a
               'meeting place near water'. Up until approximately 55 million years ago, the Porongurup Range was
               an island surrounded by the sea, with the Stirling Range forming the southern coastline.

               This mountain range is a great place to visit with its magnificent views, choice of interesting walks
               and colourful flora and fauna. We were so glad we made the effort to witness such beauty and be
               immersed in such an exceptional environment.

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