Page 28 - Walls of Jerusalem FlipBook_Neat
P. 28

Day 6 Friday 13                    th  March 2020

                                                                          Wednesday 13   th  March

                                                                          We wake up to the rain on our tents so it was decided that coffee or tea and
                                                                          followed by breakfast be had in our tents until it was time to leave. We break
                                                                          camp leaving Lake Adelaide along the Jerusalem Lake track which meets up
                                                                          with the Walls of Jerusalem Track to Trappers Hut and then back to the

                                                                          We then drove on to the White Water Rafting carpark for lunch and the
                                                                          delousing of leeches and bidding farewell to our guides.

                                                                          Returning to out hotels for hot showers before going to a celebration dinner
                                                                          pre-booked at the Jail House Grill.

                                                                          This only leaves one feeling like Ï want more” I am sure we all will return some
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