Page 26 - Walls of Jerusalem FlipBook_Neat
P. 26

Day 5 Thursday 12                         th  March 2020

                                                                           Wednesday 12 March

                                                                           We brake camp and set out to Lake Adelaide. This is the most beautiful walk,
                                                                           where many photos were taken.

                                                                           Along to Lake Ball Hut for lunch then a rock scramble along the north side of Lake
                                                                           Ball and onto a pretty area at the western end of Lake Adelaide for an overnight
                                                                           camp. This area is quite remote and the camp site, on the water’s edge is basic,
                                                                           some members decided to take a splash in the cold water after setting up tents.

                                                                           The six ladies have become known as the to the Duracell girls! Setout in
                                                                           formation to do a bit of extra walking to warm up prior to retiring for the night.

                                                                           What a magnificent ending place to finish our last night in the Walls of Jerusalem
                                                                           with an outstanding effort for all of those who took part especially the two ladies
                                                                           who had never done an overnight pack camp.
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