Page 26 - RISE-MARCH 2021
P. 26


                            NOPE                                but you all should know that  PLASTIC  IS  NOT  THE
               NO TO POLYETHYLENE                               PROBLEM, IT’S HOW WE USE IT…

                                                                So now let me give you a deeper highlight on our team
                                                              •   In  the  first  meeting  I  met  a  few  people,  most  of
                                                                  whom I knew… I told them more about this initiative

                                                                  and  we  did  some  activities  such  as  reusing  plastic
                                                                  items to make new crafts, etc.
                                                              •  Later on we started a small mission called “MISSION
                                                                 TO  RECYCLE”,  and  till  today  we  the  members  of
                                                                 NOPE  have  recycled  800+  plastic  items  that  is  ap-
                                                                 proximately 8kg of plastic… and we are hoping to re-
                                                                 cycle 1000+ plastic items soon.
                                                              •  Our  second  meeting  was  inspired  by  the  on-going
           When is the first time you heard the terms ‘REDUCE’,   plastic  situation  in  Spain  and  therefore  named  the
           ‘REUSE’ & ‘RECYCLE’? Maybe in Primary School?  And    meeting “No Al Polietileno” which means No To Poly-
           did you just learn them for the sake of gaining marks or   Ethylene in Spanish. We enlightened the members on
           have you ever applied them in your life? Don’t worry if   the topic ‘Plastic situation in Spain’ and also declared
           your answer is NO, cause if you had asked me the same   the winners of a competition ‘PlastoCraft’.
           question a year ago my answer would also be a big NO.   •  Our third meeting “Fǒu duì jù yǐxī” which again means

           But  after  reading  this  make  sure  that  in  a  couple  of   No To PolyEthylene in the Chinese language. We in-
           months your ‘NO’ becomes a ‘YES’.                     formed  our  members  about  the  plastic  situation  in
                                                                 China  and  also  conducted  a  debate  on  the  topic
           The  first question  most  of  my  friends  asked  me  after   ‘Plastic Bags are hard to recycle’.
           knowing about the NOPE team was “Are you jobless to   •  And this is not the end… and nor will it till we save
           do all these?”, like making a committee, planning future   these  creatures  from  a  MATERIAL  which  was  AF-
           projects,  holding  meetings  and  all  that  while  already   FORDABLE TO POOR; BUT BECAME AN ENVIRON-
           having to do school work during  Online classes. I still   MENTAL DISASTER TO IT’S FUTURE.

           hear this question a lot but at some point, most of you
           will agree that we youth are more aware of the damages
           taking place  in  our nature  and hope  to  take  action  to
           prevent it but what lacks among us is a small initiative.
           And  that  is  why  NOPE  is  created,  a  small  initiative
           where people can bring their ideas and work out solu-
           tions for the ongoing plastic situation.

           How many of you actually think that plastic is the real
           problem?  Some  people  tend  to  misunderstand  this

           concept and are prone to tell a complete No To Plastic,    Vaishnavi Anjanamurthy

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