Page 29 - RISE-MARCH 2021
P. 29

We found ourselves a nice dune, set our mats, and all our
         accessories (food the very important one!) and just lie down

         gazing  at  the  sky….  First  we  saw  one  shooting  star,  then
         another  and  another  …some  tiny,  some  large,  some  just
         flashing by  while  some  lingered  ..  Dashing across  the  sky,
         just like they shot off after checking us out .we didn’t know
         where to turn our head to...Coz it was showers of shooting
         stars everywhere. At every shooting star there was a huge
         applause going on around the whole of the campers distrib-
         uted around the stretch of dunes. It was fun … There was a

         mutual camaraderie amongst all of us there from different   We  started  our  journey  back  home,  humming  the  song
         countries, enjoying the display of nature             “Country  road,  take  me  home,  to  the  place  I  belong...”
                                                               Which  we  all  sang  together  there  in  the  dunes  with  so
         We could see the red Mars, the yellowish Venus, the Saturn   many people whom we just met, with warmth and the joy of
         and Jupiter, the Aries, Taurus, Big Bear, Capricorn…. Even   sharing the most spectacular show in the sky. I believe, we
         saw the Milky Way…. And then the rising moon till dawn…   saw  around  hundreds  of  shooting  stars  this  one  night,  a
         The  sunrise  came  as  if  it  had  missed  the sky and  wanted   night to remember.
         nothing more than to warm up those blues to a radiant red
         and gold.                                             ( I described my experience to my students and many have
                                                               visited this place, their parents calling me up and asking for

         In the dune next to our were families from Philippines who   the road directions- and they enjoyed it too!)
         had  Karaoke  music  and  singing  to  some  popular  English
         music,  we  joined  them  in  singing  …then  there  was a  little
         boy Eric who came up to me and introduced himself -“Hi I
         am  Eric,  I am  from France,  my family  is sitting  over  right
         there, can I play with your son? Such a warm boy and so
         very trusting and friendly. So the kids made new friends and
         had fun rolling down the dunes, and I did it too!! It really was

         FUNN. (Next time you go to the dunes, Do It!!)

                                                               Mrs. Priya S Balachandran
                                                               Middle Girls

                                                               Science Department

         Finally as the rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning
         sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene it was time
         for us to return back home with the notions of illumination
         and hope, happiness and satisfaction and promises to keep,
         restfulness above to calm the soul. In this night we all be-
         come one, one promise of life awaiting the return of the sun.

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