Page 28 - RISE-MARCH 2021
P. 28


           Collect moments, not things
                create more memories                            With a downloaded  app  we could  identify  the  constella-
                            Travelogue                          tions,  the  planet  and  even  the Milky  Way! Watching the
                                                                spectacular arch of the Milky Way rising over the horizon
          Being locked up  at home since the outbreak of Covid 19   was like a like a scene of science fiction.
          in March 2020,It was October and  my family and I were
          eagerly waiting to travel in the open , but to a safe place ,
          when my daughter suggested –Al Qua , a place where we
          can star gaze and not very crowded, we thought ..why not?

          So with a friend of ours we set our Google map to Al Qua
          and off we started. The distance is exactly 130 km from
          Abu Dhabi city

          We  started at  around 6.00 pm,  and  reaching  deep  in Al
          Razeen desert, it’s easy enough to get to – you don’t need
          a  4x4,  but  there  are  no  lights  …it  is  dark…PITCH  DARK

          surrounded  by  sweeping  dunes
          and  a  couple  of  trees,  there’s                         It was very chilly and since we weren’t prepared …
          zero light pollution, we got a lit-                         we  stayed  for  some  more  time  and  left  with  a
          tle scared since it was stretches                           heavy  heart  promising  ourselves  to  come  back
          of darkness, pin drop silence and                           again
          nothing  but  the  dunes,  but,
          knowing that our friend was with                            And we were lucky enough, after 2 weeks it was
          us in the other car kept us mov-                            told  that  there  would  be  showers  of  shooting

          ing  forward.  We  finally  reached  our  spot,  as  per  Google   stars in the sky . Excitement crept in, we made an elabo-
          “aunt’s” instruction                                  rate plan, many more of our friends got excited and want-
                                                                ed to explore too. So with food, water, mats, warm clothes
          Wondering what next… we saw a gate which opened up as   we set out again.
          we reached near it, Inside the gate the road wasn’t paved
          … we drove in some more , a couple of vehicles were seen   Reached our destination, this time there were many more

          parked in some places. We stopped, parked and I happen   visitors,  families  camping,  with  tents,  music,  and  food
          to glance skywards!!!! I griped my sons arm, He looked up...   etc….the gorgeous dunes, the swath of stars cut against
          A word of exclamation escaped his mouth…and everyone   the sky that your breath is bound to catch. With very little
          looked  up..  The  sky  looks  like  a  carpet  of  fireflies!  Stars   to no light pollution whatsoever, you can gaze at all those
          and stars…. Not a spot empty in the sky. It was like fire-
                                            works  in  this
                                            velvet  dark,  like
                                            millions and tril-
                                            lions   of   dia-
                                            monds  flung  in

                                            the sky

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