Page 4 - TOBIN Harbour Work
P. 4

FEATURED                            GALWAY HARBOUR EXTENSION
      CLIENT | BAM



      Galway Harbour Company has for some years, been developing proposals for Galway Harbour Extension
      to address severe constraints to their operations within the existing harbour, resulting from:

         Severely restricted access

         Tidal and gated inner harbour
         Uneconomic vessel size capacity
         Channel too shallow
         Port draught and dimensions too limiting
         Inadequate quay length and limited berthage

      The New Port development will address all of the above constraints and provide improved infrastructure
      to consolidate existing business, develop new business and services, provide for the international cruise
      liner business and facilitate the economic growth of the region.

      TOBIN Consulting Engineers were appointed as Lead Engineering Consultants and EIS coordinators to
      examine the feasibility of developing the harbour into a state of the art facility which will address the
      existing constraints and allow the harbour to capitalise on its full potential.

      Services Provided
          Feasibility Study
          Preliminary Design
          Preparation of Planning Documents

      For circa forty years TOBIN have been working with Galway Harbour Company, helping them to achieve
      their vision of Galway as the key logistical port for the West of Ireland. TOBIN initially helped to unlock
      the key constraint of road access, by redesign of roads to safely partition port and public traffic in the
      area, leading to a much more efficient operation of the port. The development of the Harbour Enterprise

      Park permitted the relocation of the heavy industry port users, including oil storage, away from the city
      waterfront  area,  and  it  released  the  original  property  to  high-grade  residential  and  commercial
      development,  with  an  inner  dock  yacht  marina,  providing  further  revenue  to  the  port,  and  bringing  it
      centrally into the life of the city.

      The  Galway  Harbour  Company  have  now  embarked  on  the  Galway  Harbour  Extension,  currently  at
      Environmental  Impact  Appraisal  stage,  and  classified  as  a  Strategic  Infrastructure  Development  (SID)
      under Irish planning law. A planning application was lodged with An Bord Pleanála in January 2014.

      TOBIN have managed all of these developments for the Galway Harbour Company, handling Marina and
      Harbour  Design,  preparation  of  various  Licences  and  Permits,  long  term  Development  Planning  and
      Feasibility  Studies,  Environmental  Impact  Assessments  and  the  comprehensive  Stakeholder
      Consultation that accompanies such an important project in the civic life of Galway.
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