Page 7 - TOBIN Harbour Work
P. 7

FEATURED                            DEEPWATER DOCK AND SLIPWAY
      CLIENT | BAM



     The details and design for the planning application for full planning permission by for the construction of an
     88m long slipway and a 2,827m² deepwater dock (-6m chart datum), consisting of quay wall and pontoons
     with a 1.5m high decorative perimeter fence. The deepwater dock and slipway will have access onto the
     existing  channel  (-3.4m  chart  datum).  The  construction  of  the  deepwater  dock  will  be  formed  by  the
     excavation and infill of existing material above the high water mark. The deepwater dock and slipway were
     required during the Volvo Ocean Race Galway Stopovers for the repair of yachts in-site or as a haul out
     facility, whereby the yachts will be hauled out by mobile crane and transported to adjacent sites for repair.
     Thus, there was no parking or storage requirement in the dry dock operation. All the above works were
     carried out at Galway Harbour Enterprise Park, Renmore, Galway.

     The work involved rock blasting, deep excavations working near water and construction of steel sheet pile
     quay wall.  The quay walls had a ring beam and a concrete capping structure to tie in with the existing land.

     The slipway is  88m long and 12m wide at a grade of 1:11.



     The  quays  in  Galway  Harbour  are  medieval  and  from  time  to  time  are  in  need  of  repair.    We  have
     surveyed the quay in areas of disrepair.  We have provided design, quantities, supervision, specification
     and certification for such works.  These works are very similar to coastal repair works.

        Removal of damaged / loose stones
        Scaffold from top down
         Re-construct the quay walls
        Fill cavity to back of quay wall
        Point with rapid hardening concrete
         Remove temporary scaffolding
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