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                                               ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21

                                        "Necessity is the mother of invention”

                       The start of this academic year was nothing like previous years. In fact, it was nothing like I
                 have ever seen before. The pandemic has wrecked havoc in our lives.

                       As quoted above, necessity is the primary driving force for doing new things. Necessity
                 caused many bold decisions to be taken. The decision to start online classes, very  early, was one
                 of them. It needed a little foresight from us and required a lot of support from the management
                 members, which I received in abundance. For that, I am indeed grateful.

                       We started our first online trial class on 27th March, two days after the lockdown started.
                 By 1st April, we had started classes, full swing, on the Zoom Platform for standards 5th to 12th.
                 We also had warm up sessions with aerobics and Yoga at the start of the day. Prior to this
                 situation, our teachers had used mobiles for answering calls and WhatsApp. Suddenly, they had
                 to use it as a classroom. The teachers rose to the occasion. They did & are doing a wonderful job.

                       WhatsApp  groups  were  created  for  all  the  classes,  where  the  timetable,  different
                 instructions and links to the various classes were posted. In the 3rd week of April, we shifted to
                 Cisco WebEx. 4th std classes were started in May.

                       In June, by the time  the classes 1 to 3 got on board, we had shifted to Microsoft Teams.

                       And now, we have settled with G Suite for education.

                       The timetable has been framed keeping in mind the comfort level of the students and
                 staff, the main consideration being - exposure to screen time. Later, the MHRD rules were sent
                 to schools. We strictly followed the timings suggested by them.

                       Online activities for the Kindergarten started in the second week of June where teachers
                 post videos, songs and fun study materials for students to enjoy and learn at their leisure. Time
                 restrictions and request for more co-scholastic activities led us to create offline classes. For the
                 Kindergarten, we have interaction with the parents along with the children on alternate days,
                 for half an hour per day. This is also in accordance with the guidelines received from MHRD.

                       As with anything new, we had teething problems. There were a number of problems
                 faced by students which included - houses with two or three siblings and only one device,
                 parents who were out of station and having frequent internet disruptions, poor connectivity on
                 certain days leading to inability to log in to class, and so on. So, the classes were recorded and
                 the link was posted in the WhatsApp group.
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