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P. 90
Top 5 Facts about BERMUDA TRIANGLE
which you probably didn't know:
1.It's one of the deepest spots on earth.
In fact, the underwater topography of the area could be a factor in the history
of disappearances. It goes from a gently sloping continental shelf to an
extremely deep drop-off. Some of the deepest trenches in the world are found
in the area of the Bermuda Triangle. Ships or planes that sink into these deep
trenches will probably never be found.
2.Can you smell gas in that place ?
Scientists have discovered large concentrations of methane gas – due to
decomposing sea organisms – trapped in the ocean floor. The methane
accumulates as super concentrated methane ice, and if a pocket ruptures, the
gas surges up and erupts on the surface without warning. If a ship is in the
area of the blowout, the water beneath it would suddenly become much less
dense. It could sink and sediment could quickly cover it as it settles onto the
sea floor.
3.It plays havoc with instruments on deck.
Magnetic vortices, hot and cold currents, could create the electromagnetic
gymnastics affecting instruments and vehicles. Others mention an electronic
fog that could block both the visibility and the instruments.