Page 110 - Waiter-Learner Manual (ENGLISH).indd
P. 110
Type Example Action
Biodegradable Pre-cooking waste: peels, Separate into compostable material
bones, egg shells... and possible animal feed (e.g.,
leftover food, kitchen waste).
Leftover food, bones...
Keep it covered to avoid
Later, spread it in a compost pit.
Use the compost to fertilise your garden.
Non- Glass, plastic, cans Crush (to reduce size).
Bury in a pit (if it cannot be reused).
Reusable Glass jars, plastic containers Wash and reuse.
with lids, plastic and glass
bottles and old cloth (rags).
Recyclable Glass, paper, plastic and Keep separate from other waste and
cans that can be recycled. take it away for designated recycling
It is difficult to recycle in remote areas,
so it is better to try to reduce waste.
Burnable Paper and paper Use paper to light fires.
Burn it in a pit every second day,
and then cover the ashes with soil.
Toxic waste Batteries used electronic Dispose of on land in facilities designed
equipment, leftover paint to permanently contain such waste and
or pesticides, unused prevent the release of harmful pollutants
medicines and medical into the environment (especially to
equipment. prevent leakages into streams or the
water table).
9.3 Pest control
A pest is any organism or unwanted creature in the restaurant that spreads disease and
destruction. They are often responsible for spreading disease and bacteria and when
come in contact with food, food gets contaminated and poisoned. Therefore you should
take every precaution to have pest free environment to reduce food contamination and
avoid you and the from guests falling ill. Good pest control needs good mechanism and
systemic control. If you follow proper cleaning and monitoring, it is completely possible
to have 100 pest free working place. The following table indicates common pests and
the necessary measures to prevent.